Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [noun sg] after [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Victims of assault , wounding , robbery and sexual crimes were also given counselling but by far the greatest number of people ( 4,835 ) were given help after house burglaries .
2 Indeed , it had been a violent election campaign by post-war standards and the columns of papers like The Times were filled day after day by reports of ‘ Labour rowdyism ’ .
3 As the sacrifices were performed day after day , year after year , as the Day of Atonement came and went , Israel was constantly reminded of the sin which cut them off from God 's presence .
4 They in their turn were to give way after tunenlightenedhe Second World War to the models of the bus-shelter , the airport , and the office-block , the ultimate in bankruptcy of imagination .
5 January 1936 : In South Wales , particularly in the Rhonda Valley the tramp of thousands of feet was heard day after day .
6 This explains why the general election was delayed time after time : clearly , all that mattered was the recession .
7 That was said year after year .
8 In Ease and Endurance , the continuation of the autobiography which Boulestin wrote in French under the title of A Londres Naguère and which was published after his death in a somewhat harum-scarum translation by Robin Adair ( at one point Adair has Boulestin exploring the Cecil Hotel in a taxi ) , he tells how the place was crammed night after night with customers from the Savoy , Ritz and Carlton belt , stage stars , artists , writers , royalty and High Bohemia .
9 I dreamt of making an Olympic team when I was in high school , a rather far-fetched dream for a 4:36 miler , but that dream was part of what got me through all those hard times during the years that I was losing race after race in college .
10 One of our diversions was to take coffee after supper in the station buffet .
11 In the Middle East , Rommel was inflicting defeat after defeat on the Eighth Army .
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