Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , like I said , I got t'thinkin' about how our Triad friend would go about gittin' himself an ’ his goon squad clear , if the buildin' wuz surrounded by a hostile force .
2 Boxes of apples , which filled the air with a sickly sweet perfume , were stacked beside a cracked sink that was flanked by warped wooden draining boards .
3 Clipboard held tightly under her arm , she strode purposefully over to the area where the thousands of drums were stacked in a sprawled , looming maze .
4 Staff and resources allocated to it were redirected to a major project intended to regenerate east Glasgow .
5 In the interval , policies were developed at a slower pace than the rate the problems multiplied with which they were intended to deal .
6 The engines were developed by a commercial company with the backing of a $700,000 from the California Energy Commission .
7 These were the fifth and sixth centuries , when Byzantine designs were forming themselves from early Christian patterns , and the tenth to thirteenth centuries when more elaborate buildings were erected in a new wave of expansion .
8 Phylogenetic trees based on the nucleic acid sequences of introns inserted at the identical position as intron 1 of the LSUrRNA gene from P.wickerhamii were calculated with a maximum parsimony program ( 36 ) , a maximum likelihood and a neighbour joining program ( 35 ) .
9 At the conclusion of the liturgy , Bishop O'Brien presented Faculty Certificates to 150 Ministers who were recommissioned for a further five years service .
10 All four of the white Los Angeles police officers , whose acquittal in the Rodney King beating case sparked several days of rioting in the city in late April and early May [ see p. 38894 ] , were indicted by a grand jury on Aug. 4 on federal charges of violating King 's civil rights .
11 Pieces of buttered toast were arranged in a regular pattern on a silver dish — four slices awaiting their crowning with four perfect eggs .
12 She first confirmed Watson 's hypothesis that in the tobacco mosaic virus small protein sub-units were arranged in a helical fashion .
13 The shimmering folds of the nets were arranged in a looping canopy above where the musicians played , and effected a startling , glowing paleness in the untidy gloom of the attic .
14 However , this advantage would be lost if the allophones that were the product of word-internal context-effects were also caused by context-effects across word boundaries : thus if in lee were realised as a voiceless [ l ] in a moderately fast production of … tip leewards … , lee would once more be embedded within plea even at an allophonic level of representation .
15 From the 13th century they were inhabited by a sensitive , hardy , mountain folk full of merriment and superstition .
16 Over 100 stocks were listed with a total nominal value of just under £125 billion and a market value slightly in excess of this .
17 Other additional areas that are related to managerial skills , such as publicity , and industrial relations/local authority structure , were listed by a further 15% of authorities , so that this topic in general figured quite highly as one for which a considerable number of authorities perceived a need for external course provision .
18 On this day : Louis XII , King of France , married Mary Tudor , sister of Henry VIII , 1514 ; the first Luddite riots against the introduction of machinery for spinning cotton started , Manchester 1779 ; Hobart , Tasmania , was founded , 1804 ; the Universal Postal Union was founded , Rome 1875 ; the first petrol-driven motor bus began operating in London , 1899 ; the Labour government fell , 1924 ; King Alexander of Yugoslavia and Louis Barthou , French foreign minister , were assassinated by a Croatian terrorist , Marseilles 1934 ; the first London production of the musical show Porgy and Bess was presented , 1952 ; the breathalyzer test came into force in Britain , 1967 .
19 On 2nd June 1914 , The Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife , were assassinated by a Bosnian Serb and that triggered a series of events that led to the outbreak of war on 4th , August 1914 — the war that became known as The Great War .
20 In yet another demonstration of Yugoslavia 's fragmentation along ethnic lines , hostility between Serbs and Moslems ( who were recognized as a distinct nationality in Yugoslavia ) led to clashes in Bosnia-Hercegovina 's southern town of Foca , and across the nearby border in Serbia 's Novi Pazar district ( part of the historic Sanjak region ) .
21 Production remains linear over this time suggesting good viability , and all experiments were completed within a two hour incubation period .
22 All patients were sedated with a bolous dose of midazolam ( 2–5 mg ) and received 40 mg hyoscine butylbromide ( Buscopan ) intravenously before the procedure .
23 The results were publicised during a two day exhibition at Keele University in November 1990 : the event , which included displays of the thematic maps and archival material , was promoted jointly by BGS , the North Staffordshire branch of the Geologists ' Association and the Institution of Geologists .
24 By the second century B.C. they were experimenting with a volcanic earth found near Vesuvius and named pozzolana after the town of Pozzuoli there .
25 Consumer demand led to higher imports of manufactured goods and the inflationary pressures were checked by a credit-squeeze : the bubble of the housing market burst and jobs were lost in construction , banking and shopping .
26 Fear was something felt by other people when they found an unexpected lump under their arm or were mugged by a complete stranger .
27 Train services on the Esk Valley line were delayed for a short time and the Sprinter train was allowed to continue its journey after it had been examined by experts .
28 Suddenly they met burnt chip contamination and had to shut down the production line , a major anxiety as they were producing to a tight schedule in a ‘ Just in time ’ situation .
29 All 20 patients were placed on a 2200 kcal diet containing 80 g/day of fat .
30 Willie sat on a chair as his feet were placed into a measuring gauge .
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