Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [pron] for the " in BNC.

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1 Though he was more like his old self , many suspected they were seeing him for the last time .
2 Before leaving he stood for a moment at the door and let his eyes range round the room as if he were seeing it for the first time .
3 If you were seeing it for the first time , what impressions would you receive ?
4 That being so , it is also likely that they were building it for the same military purpose .
5 while country areas were bracing themselves for the influx of tragic refugees or louse-infested slave labour , depending on the children 's luck .
6 While all you fairweather golfers were fattening yourselves for the spring sunshine , I was running 15 miles a week in an effort to gain the necessary fitness for a 27-tournament season .
7 At the Taj , Indian families were grouping themselves for the professional photographers who swarmed over the central platform .
8 She glanced up at him , feeling oddly shy , almost as though she were meeting him for the first time with no doubts , no mistrust , between them .
9 She made it sound as if she were saying it for the first time .
10 At the start of the year , several firms were steeling themselves for the tough , face-losing decision to pull out of some markets — or out of the securities business altogether .
11 The expletive sounded strange to the sergeant on Blanche 's lips , as if she were hearing it for the first time .
12 The repeated attacks of this last disease were to trouble him for the rest of his life .
13 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
14 At the top of the stairs , somewhere beyond a short , misty journey , Jeopardy led Lucien into a room where a handful of musicians were preparing themselves for the coming performance .
15 She stood up and looked round the room as though she were leaving it for the last time .
16 The boyish expression transformed the hard planes of his face and she stared at him as if she was seeing him for the first time .
17 Since then , I had managed to film them on their wintering grounds in India , but now I was seeing them for the first time at the other end of the journey .
18 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
19 The order was for the production of material relating to the purchase by a client , Mrs G , of certain real property , the allegation being that she was a member of the family of another person who was suspected of being a drug trafficker and who was using her for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of such trafficking .
20 She was left thinking how hard he was driving himself for the sake of his adoptive family .
21 In April 1989 a " law on individual rights " was approved which for the first time explicitly recognized the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights .
22 Owen knew from the title that this was a member of the Egyptian Royal Family but which of the Khedive 's numerous progeny it was escaped him for the moment .
23 Because i in , in theory presumably they s they should n't have been abusing their position , they should n't be gaining more because the whole point was to do it for the masses particularly , I mean if you were a Party cadre erm you should n't be getting more out of it than anybody else .
24 She was to keep it for the next three and a half years .
25 Meanwhile Dave had gone to pick up the boss from Stuttgart Airport as he was joining us for the weekend .
26 I was doing them for the wrong reasons — out of curiosity or for the money , rather than because I had a passion for doing them .
27 I mean you could say in this situation the stag was doing it for the benefit of the species but er you do n't need to er you do n't need to take that point of view .
28 I did think I was doing it for the best .
29 I was doing it for the drive anyway .
30 The only way he knew to heal the pain of his humiliation was to punish her for the crime of leaving him .
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