Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you were to serve yourself an average helping of cabbage , though , it would usually weigh at least two ounces if you were eating it raw as part of a portion of coleslaw , for example , or four ounces if you were serving boiled cabbage .
2 He described how the ladder was to be set up against the wire , how people were to clamber over and how they were to swing themselves clear through the gap at the end .
3 He said this as if it were obvious , as if he were explaining something self-evident to a small child .
4 In his speech , De Michelis urged EC countries to devote at least 0.25 per cent of their gross national product ( GNP ) towards investment in the Maghreb countries where demographic pressures were rendering them vulnerable to the forces of Islamic fundamentalism and encouraging mass migration to Europe .
5 I think our crucial criticism of the whole press release was that the , it was that the good news , if you like , that the council were doing something pro-active about food poisoning came secondary , was a secondary issue in the press release , the main , the main thing was the bad news , and it could have been turned round .
6 If I thought they were doing anything wrong to Lesley I could n't say anything because she 'd get it , I would n't get it .
7 Just as well you agreed to go quietly when Kenneth suggested it was time you went to bed ; though apparently he and Hamish practically had to carry you upstairs , and the whole way up you were muttering something vile about Lewis being thrown naked into a tub of starving Elephant Leeches . ’
8 The guns firing from the direction of the River Orne were making it difficult for me to hear what Taff was now saying .
9 They were making it difficult for her to tear herself away .
10 His low chuckle and the touch of his finger tips drifting lightly over her curves were making it difficult for her to concentrate .
11 They were carrying something heavy into the house .
12 I would even say something nice about his new-fangled haircut if he were to say something hopeful to the London borough of Newham .
13 If , having chosen not to take advice , they took the same tack with the process of law once started , and thought that by ignoring it or defying it they could halt it , they were laying themselves open to an even ruder shock .
14 Later technical changes in transport were to make it possible for the city to change its nature by spreading out great suburban dormitories , and electrification would help to decentralize industry .
15 ‘ What would you think if I were to bring someone new into the family ? ’
16 Linda 's confusion was bringing her close to tears .
17 Towards the end of the novel , the narrator records : " What Antoine needed at that time was to find someone capable of proving to him that his past was worthy of being admired , that it contained elements worthy of gratitude and friendship . "
18 one of the things that was driving me mad in last part of my career was , I was responsible for documentation , the fuel issues on the , round a thousand of gallons a day .
19 I was driving her crazy with my impotent rage at your absence . ’
20 ‘ You do a bit , ’ said Betty with a note of true concern , and quite taking the wind out of Lydia 's sails , who wondered whether it was true that she had been seriously wounded and was repressing her hurt to the detriment of her psyche .
21 The traditional way to cook them was fry them alive in hot bacon fat , then add an egg , which had the effect of binding them together .
22 She was smoking her joint with quick snatches of breath , like a swimmer doing the crawl .
23 She felt them go round her , strong and decided against her dress , beneath her coat , and then he put his mouth on hers and began to kiss her , and for a moment she felt that she was flying , and the next minute she was clawing herself free with the superhuman strength of panic and stumbling for the door .
24 It was costing them extra in postage
25 All the time Maureen was away she was worrying herself sick about Biggles .
26 Rafaelo Falah , a Libyan-born Jew who lives in Rome , was downing his houmous alongside Israel 's tourist minister in the ceremony put on to welcome the Libyans to Israel .
27 The distinction between this case and Stevenson 's case is that in Stevenson 's case the defendant had a regular practice of selling his ex-rental cars and also in selling those cars he was selling something akin to stock-in-trade .
28 The upshot of this little matter was to leave me labelled as ‘ Mr X ’ — a pseudonym invented by Harold Wilson and which has attached itself to me throughout the years , but never offensively .
29 The other great problem at this stage , of course , was getting her used to people .
30 But she could sense when he was getting her ready for a match and stood like a statue , even dropping her head for him to clip her mane .
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