Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the East Anglian ports were enjoying their first spell of prosperity for many years , employment and trade was booming in the area and more customs staff were required at King 's Lynn , Ipswich and Felixstowe , my old home and a natural first choice .
2 Soon , tens of thousands of young city-dwellers , on bicycle or on foot , were enjoying their first taste of the countryside with the aid of the new network of youth hostels .
3 While the British were enjoying their baked potatoes the Americans were enjoying crisps .
4 Finally , he and his immediate circle , including his wife , were enjoying their privileged position ; like many autocrats before and after him , Franco found the exercise of absolute power addictive .
5 My conception of the part , especially since we were seeing its full development in the three plays , was that even in his wild days the Prince must sometimes be aware of the burden of kingship which lay ahead .
6 If the EEC were to acquire its own resources , then the organisation would lose the element of control over its spending that came with the existing system of national contributions : Hallstein could then argue that giving the European Parliament more authority would provide the necessary democratic control over the Commission .
7 So whereas the policy committee were allowing us three point five million grant maximum , on top of the er base budget , now course that 's reduced because with cash limited to the total on to the base plus , so getting a lot less than with the group so they might say increase to about two and a half million rather than the figure we had earlier .
8 The extra sappers were in place in a week , and the big hooped bombards and mortars , repositioned , were firing their three-hundred pounders as frequently as bombards were ever able to do , with a hundred balls beside each to do it with .
9 If Guangdong and other coastal regions were to lose their virtual autonomy in dealing with foreign investors and their privileged access to raw materials and fuel supplies , the effect would be far more damaging to Hong Kong 's confidence in China than the sight of tanks rolling into Tiananmen Square .
10 The Barbarians , who were actually Celts and were given their cruel name by their invaders , transported their stuff by sea or by horse and cattle ( and had links with Europe , incidentally ) , the Romans built roads .
11 These were given their first test run and enthused about by the audiences for Wuthering Heights a very worthwhile investment .
12 In 1979 , British voters were given their first opportunity to elect representatives .
13 At these concerts many of Bach 's symphonies , concertos , cantatas , chamber works , and keyboard sonatas were given their first performances .
14 Two members of the French side were given their marching orders and have since received substantial suspensions .
15 Benefit of the Doubt must be given that all employed by the Grand Canyon were brain damaged at birth and were given their bureaucratic procedure in India .
16 Until then , every studio had a cast list of thirty or forty top-billing actors and actresses and dozens of contracted young people who were provided with their acting lessons , their dance lessons , their speech lessons , and the young directors were given their directorial tests , and they all went into bat often .
17 When this happened they were given their own temple and , of course , in the temples were altars such as the one on the reverse of the coin .
18 The fact that his choices have been criticised in their communities for collaborating with apartheid ever since Indians and coloureds — but not blacks — were given their own chambers in 1984 suggests that the president had difficulty finding anyone willing to join a government nearing the end of its life .
19 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
20 The Rochdale parents said they were reliving their whole trauma along with the parents of Orkney .
21 There were nine men around the fire , and they were cooking their terrible food .
22 She stared meaningfully at the place where his fingers were circling her upper arm , and he made a wry face and released her .
23 The Prussians found that the advanced industrial nations of the West were using their colonial possessions to fuel their industrial drive , and accordingly Prussia began to seek out markets that the British , French , Belgians and Dutch did not dominate .
24 tufts of weed were using their green levers
25 While this does not prove that the first group of subjects were using their left hemisphere and the second group their right hemisphere the results are at least consistent with such a supposition .
26 A spokesman told us : The officers who searched the house were using their statutory powers .
27 er you were using your own contacts
28 There are two main methods of budding — that which may be regarded as the traditional way , and another ‘ new ’ method that is more often used for other shrubs and trees — although we were using it 40 years ago on both bush and standard roses .
29 Nightingales were singing their melodious songs and … [ their voices blending ] with the debates and discussions of the students . ’
30 and they were singing the territory , hello darling , they were singing their territorial songs
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