Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] a high " in BNC.

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1 The differences in disease severity during the study were paralleled by a higher mean stool frequency for the placebo group as compared with the cyclosporin group , 2.7 v 1.6 stools/day ( Table II ) .
2 The back garden was a small square of lawn bordered by rhododendrons which , in turn , were surrounded by a high wattle fence .
3 The narrow trousers made his legs look longer , strong and muscular ; the shoes were polished to a high shine .
4 Nuclear extracts were used in a high resolution EMSA using the CRP ( α site ) IL-6RE as a probe .
5 Usually the priors became proctors for the king , paying over to him a farm ( or rent ) , but as these farms were based on a high assessment many houses or cells sold or leased their property in order to buy denization .
6 But in almost all other matters , they were bound to a higher law .
7 Smaller injections led to a hypertrophy of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary region ( eight cases ; 12–15% of the injected embryos ) , whereas embryos that were injected with a high dose of the antibody failed to form the midbrain-hindbrain boundary ( 32 cases ; 50–60% of the injected embryos ) .
8 Although the national turnout was officially given as 60 per cent , the elections were marked by a high rate of regional abstention .
9 Samples were counted in a high resolution bulk sample counter as previously described .
10 The terms " diagonal " , " side " and " perimeter " of a rectangle were known by a high proportion of pupils , " area " by fewer .
11 So if there 's any er er erm thought that the er ombudsman complaints were running at a high level as far as this committee 's interest were concerned , I can confirm that that is n't in fact the case .
12 Conscripts were trained to a high pitch and could be called upon in war , not merely as reserves but as front-line troops .
13 Their responsibilities were assumed by a High Authority for the Transition to the Third Republic and a National Committee for Economic and Social Recovery ; both these bodies would include members of the opposition .
14 The photographs were taken at a high water level .
15 By the mid-1960s the need was becoming urgent for an overhaul of the traditional tribunals in which the more serious indictable crimes were tried before a High Court Judge , part-time Recorder or chairman of Quarter Sessions , and in 1966 the Government decided that there was substance for another Royal Commission .
16 These differences were associated with a higher CSI ( 1.44 ( 0.33 ) v 1.13 ( 0.14 ) , p<0.05 ) and a greater vesicular cholesterol distribution ( 19.7 ( 11.9 ) v 4.4 ( 1.4 ) % , p<0.01 ) in the patients with cholesterol gall stones than the gall stone free patients .
17 An improved patent band re-sawing machine , with combined vertical and horizontal feed , was used for cutting deals , battens , etc , into boards , after which they were passed through a high speed four-cutter moulding and seaming machine .
18 Indeed , it indicated that the companies deemed by Kearney to be unsuccessful users of information technology were investing at a higher rate that the successful ones .
19 The complications , which occurred in all patients apart from two who achieved the protocol , could be overcome , and no early deaths were recorded in a high risk group of patients , but pain and bile leakage were major problems .
20 It is worth noting that whereas profit shares in manufacturing fell over the period , in the financial sector they were maintained at a high and even rising level [ Brown and Sheriff , 1978 ] .
21 Unless this ruling was overturned by a higher court , the state would either have to enact a new electoral law or would be forced to wait until 1994 ( the date upon which Heinz 's term would have been completed ) to elect a successor to Heinz .
22 Thus violence was sustained at a high level by American capitals ‘ first great offensive against labor ’ from the late-nineteenth century to the 1920s .
23 Instead I was filled with a high , sweet excitement .
24 Here also the opening and copying of letters was carried to a high level of professionalism .
25 Labour was seen as a high tax party in 1983 and again in 1987 .
26 A few seconds later a second flock was seen at a higher level and directly in the aircraft 's flight path .
27 The far end of the room was built on a higher level than the rest , and was reached by a single step .
28 The finishing touch was supplied by a high pointed tiara .
29 Mr King , who was sacked from the group 's board in November 1989 following a problematic £629m management buyout eight months earlier , was told by a High Court judge that he had carried out his duties correctly .
30 A 13-YEAR-OLD girl who wants to leave foster care and return home to her father was told by a High Court judge yesterday she was too young to decide her own future .
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