Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 To this a variety of solutions were given at different times .
2 Aliquots of the cultures were withdrawn at different time intervals in order to determine the cell counts .
3 The various regional associations which were formed at various times in Eastern and Western Europe , in Africa , in the Middle East or in Latin America , rested either upon the predominance of one nation state over others in the region , or upon a limited agreement about a framework within which national economic interests could be more effectively pursued ; and they all showed themselves largely incapable of controlling the vigorous expression of such interests in periods of crisis .
4 Numbers of Hurricanes were scrambled at various times during the mid-morning .
5 The roads in this upper part of the valley were designed in medieval times for the occasional passage of horses and carts and have never been brought to modern standards by straightening and widening and it is to be hoped that they never will be .
6 It may look to some extent like the original , it may even retain traces of the original , but the many pieces that make the whole were added at different times and have been the subject of change and much repair work .
7 The Cathedral at Angers is a good example of the massive , domical building of Anjou , though parts of it were rebuilt in Gothic times .
8 H. P. We used to keep an eye on pubs where the sergeant and the constable used to do a month at a time , visiting the cinemas , theatres , and public houses , licensed places , and do some pubs , night after night — just checking things , and at five past ten , you 'd be right in checking they were keeping to closing time .
9 In front of the tall rigid buildings the flying riff-raff of leaves and paper seemed ominous , as though they were escaping in good time .
10 Random Century is currently reissuing Johns 's Biggles books , without certain racial terms , even though the books were written during colonial times when attitudes were different .
11 Hence : ‘ Many now forget that the rules of most sports were framed in Victorian times without resort to enforcement then ‘ in ’ , and were n't prison sentences then stiffer ?
12 Hep3B total cell lysates were prepared at various time intervals after IL-6 stimulation .
13 A variety of news items were selected at different times during the three years of the survey .
14 Similar accusations were made at different times against all the churches .
15 Indeed one can safely say that almost all of our roads and tracks were used in medieval times and perhaps most were also used in the prehistoric period as well .
16 A little is known about the way the duns and the chapels with their carved slabs were used in medieval times but hardly anything about how they regarded the earlier standing stones .
17 A little is known about the way the duns and the chapels with their carved slabs were used in medieval times but hardly anything about how they regarded the earlier standing stones .
18 Both these words were used in medieval times ; and we can understand the word knacker as an equivalent for harness-maker when we learn that it comes from an Icelandic root , knakkr , meaning a saddle .
19 Such however is the mighty Providence that guides us , we were adverted in due time withal and haply able to forestall the deadly peril to our settlement , that is still but a mewling infant scarce able to totter on bandy legs .
20 If the matches were played at different times , it would be the cause for the outbreak of WW 111 .
21 Tyler felt that the only explanation was that the sites were all points in some widespread pattern , that there was a sanctity to the sites and that this was the reason that they were marked in ancient times .
22 Even if the court agreed with the earlier ruling it would have refused to allow five of the six appeals because they were brought outside legal time limits .
23 The roots for this were laid in colonial times and have become entrenched in the Apartheid SA where one 's race , class and place of residence are major determinants of the health care that one receives .
24 He saw this as a possible origin of the nymphs of the elements which were known in ancient times — the naiads in waterfalls , springs and streams , dryads in trees and woods , oreads in mountains and deserts , and nereids in the sea .
25 The civitates where bishops had their palaces and churches were inherited from Roman times .
26 Small pots , each containing several one and two-month old Lolium temulentum plants grown at 20°C ( i.e. unstressed plants ) were viewed at various times and the images compared .
27 In whatever form it took , the economic health and prosperity of Paris was of fundamental importance to all French governments , as the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 had proved , since both were associated with hard times for the mass of the population .
28 These rather simple expectations were not fulfilled however : the worst housed were not necessarily relocated and the new estates were associated in due time with their own problems of overcrowding , poverty and undernourishment .
29 Having overcome the dismissal of Paul Stewart in the 49th minute , Spurs were forced into extra time by Gary Bennett 's second goal .
30 Both corn and animal feed were ground at different times .
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