Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 However , centres will be able to continue to offer any programmes which were developed from the 1992
2 Comprehensive resettlement policies were developed in the 1970s — too late for these patients at Larbeit Asylum
3 Such assertions were developed in the 1970s into an onslaught on the theory of ‘ equidistance between the blocs ’ .
4 CFCs were developed in the 1930s and were hailed as a triumph of science — they were cheap , non-flammable , non-toxic and reacted with very few other substances .
5 Political and economic theories about the process of West European integration were developed in the 1950s in the light of the patterns of trade , industrial production , social interchange across borders , and international security which then prevailed .
6 In this case all values from each experiment were first averaged for each stimulus and correlations between the measures were calculated across the 48 films .
7 Differences between groups were calculated with the two tailed Student 's t test ; p<0.05 was considered significant .
8 In slot-blot experiments with total DNA , the ratios ( signal obtained with mitochondrial probe/signal obtained with nuclear probe ) were calculated for the two strains and compared .
9 Absolute quantities of tissue type plasminogen activator antigen in the samples were calculated from an eight point standard curve of tissue type plasminogen activator ( Biopool , Sweden , 0–4 ng/ ml ) .
10 I 'd er at been at Newark till then for about four years or so and the er slump had come about and they were sacked by the hundreds , including myself .
11 In due course , several of the ex-L.U.T. cars were renumbered in the 2000s , as though still working as part of that fleet .
12 Production remains linear over this time suggesting good viability , and all experiments were completed within a two hour incubation period .
13 The results were publicised during a two day exhibition at Keele University in November 1990 : the event , which included displays of the thematic maps and archival material , was promoted jointly by BGS , the North Staffordshire branch of the Geologists ' Association and the Institution of Geologists .
14 Two thousand , two hundred and fifty-four ( 2254 ) citations were retrieved , from which a sample set of 305 citations were checked against the two databases .
15 Two thousand , two hundred and fifty-four ( 2254 ) citations were retrieved , from which a sample set of 305 citations were checked against the two databases .
16 All 20 patients were placed on a 2200 kcal diet containing 80 g/day of fat .
17 Management then asked the workers to leave the premises and pickets were placed by the 27 night-shift workers .
18 They were placed in an 8 gallon ( 36l ) tank with some plant cover and my normal tap water of pH 7.8 , GH 450ppm and a temperature of 76° F ( 24° C ) .
19 The movies were ‘ for the millions ’ but they were given to the millions by showmen .
20 All injections were given as a 200 µl bolus of neuropeptide Y ( Peninsula , Belmont , CA , USA ) dissolved in sterile 0.9% saline containing 0.1% dog albumin ( Sigma , St Louis , MO , USA ) or the carrier alone as control .
21 Free rides were given on the eleven cars , which represented all types then in service .
22 With its panoramic views over the River Thames at Docklands , it is a delightful venue for CCG catering manager Tracey Evans and head chef Steve Raven , who until the recent opening of the restaurant were catering for the 200 Reuters staff from a portacabin complex .
23 Over 150 Safetips were received during the three month period from all three locations .
24 This having been said , the consultation generated almost three times the volume correspondence as the last major consultation on the revision of the practice rules in 1990 , and roughly four times as many responses as were received in connection with the consultation on multi-disciplinary partnerships in 1987 ( although more local law society responses were received to the 1987 consultation ) .
25 None of these were received by the nine children isolated by the events .
26 Local doctors were present in force , as were a county councillor and Alderman Sean O'Leary from Cork Corporation , and apologies for non-attendance were received from the two local TD 's .
27 To find out if small bowel bacterial overgrowth contributes to faecal fat and faecal bile acid losses four patients with positive hydrogen breath tests and excessive faecal fat and faecal bile acid losses were treated with a seven day course of oral metronidazole ( 400 mg three times daily ) .
28 The van doors swung open and as Antinou 's lads eased us out we were treated to a 6 a.m. view of Clapton .
29 Around 50 retired employees attended the party and were treated to a three course dinner served up by committee volunteers .
30 Otherwise the tt building will have deemed to not comply to B one of the building regulations which I do n't want to go into too much detail but basically what it is that with effect from nineteen ninety one the smoke alarm smoke detector bill came into er operation and it was brought in into the nineteen ninety two building regulations when they were amended from the nineteen eighty five regulations that states now any new build homes shall have and be fitted with a mains operated , with battery backup , smoke detection system .
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