Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These " cosmic ripples " were estimated to stretch as far as 59 billion trillion miles in space and were calculated to have been formed only 300,000 years after the " Big Bang " ( the original event which scientists believe had created space and time ) .
2 Moreover , the rent guarantees that they were given have been honoured .
3 Followers of Leavis thought themselves superior in sensibility to the debased majority who were deemed to have been corrupted by democratic industrial society .
4 At the same time , the governors of the troubled southern provinces of Bahr al-Ghazal and Equatoria were reported to have been replaced .
5 The Mozambican National Union and the Liberal and Democratic Party of Mozambique were reported to have been created in December .
6 In an effort to boost food production , office workers were reported to have been redeployed from Havana to farm jobs , and 20,000 Havana residents were said to be working shifts outside the city .
7 Two Somali gunmen were reported to have been shot dead and several others wounded the same day in an attack on a UN compound in Mogadishu , and there were further reported incidents of continuing instability in the capital and elsewhere .
8 However , US relief workers who flew into Tehran on June 25 with medical supplies and food were reported to have been prevented from going to the affected provinces , while Kayhan , one of Iran 's largest-circulation newspapers , accused the USA of being mean with its aid and of hoping to reap diplomatic benefits by offering " one or two million dollars " .
9 More than 30,000 inhabitants were reported to have been affected directly by the mudslide and over 6,000 homes were damaged .
10 But windows were reported to have been blown out in homes more than 1,000 yards away .
11 Bridges were reported to have been blown up and roads to the capital blocked in an effort to halt the march .
12 In two separate instances , at least four persons were reported to have been killed Peshawar and Karachi after being hit by stray bullets as a result of aerial firing by trigger happy individuals .
13 Desperate villagers who searched the area around Cerska on Monday for 21 tonnes of aid parachuted from C-130 cargo planes were reported to have been killed by Serb snipers .
14 Twenty-one Serbian villagers were reported to have been killed on 22 August by Croatian security forces carrying out house-to-house searches in the villages of Kinjacka , Cakle and Trnjani for insurgents believed to have fired mortars at the town of Sisak .
15 During the remainder of the month there were frequent outbreaks of violence ; during the night of March 23-24 alone , 17 people were reported to have been killed .
16 At least two people were reported to have been killed .
17 At least 12 people were reported to have been killed and seven wounded in the attack .
18 Five policemen and three former contras were reported to have been killed and dozens of civilians wounded during armed clashes , although unconfirmed reports put the total number of those killed at 24 or over .
19 Nine soldiers and 15 guerrillas of the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces ( FARC ) and National Liberation Army ( ELN ) ( both factions of the National Guerrilla Co-ordinating Board ( CNG ) — see p. 34803 ) were reported to have been killed on Nov. 10 in two separate attacks staged by an estimated 400 guerrillas against the towns of Tazara and Cacares in Antioquia province .
20 Five people were reported to have been killed in disturbances during the second round .
21 At least 80 people were reported to have been killed , over 800 were injured and thousands of homes were destroyed .
22 Clashes also continued within Turkey itself during this period , and some 40 people were reported to have been killed in separate incidents , the worst of these occurring on Aug. 16 when 14 Kurds and five troops and police died as demonstrations broke out to mark the eighth anniversary of the separatist rebellions of 1983 [ see pp. 33037-38 ] .
23 In all 26 people were reported to have been killed and 200 others wounded .
24 The ceasefire agreement came after a number of OLF supporters were reported to have been killed .
25 By the end of April over 30 people were reported to have been killed in the violence and many hundreds injured or arrested .
26 In clashes with the Sandinista People 's Army ( EPS ) and the national police , several people were reported to have been killed and dozens injured , especially in the districts of Cebaco , Ocotal , Estelí , Masaya , León and Chinandega .
27 Amid allegations in early June that rebels loyal to the National Patriotic Front of Liberia ( NPFL ) led by Charles Taylor were obstructing the deployment of peacekeeping troops of the Economic Community of West Africa States ( ECOWAS ) Monitoring Group ( ECOMOG ) , six Senegalese ECOMOG soldiers were reported to have been killed in NPFL-held territory .
28 As of mid-November more than 70 people were reported to have been killed in violence associated with Islamic militants during 1992 .
29 A further 100 oil wells were reported to have been fired in the 24 hours prior to Bush 's ultimatum .
30 By the end of the month 775 former members of the StB were reported to have been dismissed .
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