Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [verb] be [verb] " in BNC.

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31 By May 31 an estimated 1,482 contras were reported to have been demobilized .
32 Somewhat less than twice that number were reported to have been injured .
33 Twenty-four people were reported to have been injured .
34 Despite an intensified terror campaign by , predominantly , the Maoist Sendero Luminoso ( Shining Path ) guerrillas to disrupt the elections , the deployment of an estimated 300,000 soldiers and police ensured that polling day passed off relatively peacefully , although at least 55 people were reported to have been injured in bomb attacks on April 7-8 .
35 Some 105 civilians and police officers were reported to have been injured in the disturbances .
36 Five police officers and 10 civilians were reported to have been injured following gunfire and stone throwing outside the Transport Ministry .
37 Earlier , about 50,000 protesters were reported to have been chanting anti-government slogans in Timisoara and demanding that the bodies of victims be returned to their families .
38 Moreover large quantities of food awaiting shipment to drought-stricken areas were reported to have been destroyed in the fighting .
39 Of the 5,500 tanks possessed by Iraq at the outbreak of war , 4,200 had been based in the Kuwaiti theatre , and 3,500 of these were reported to have been destroyed or captured .
40 The United States carrier Pan American World Airways ( Pan Am ) ceased operations on Dec. 4 after facing heavy financial losses ; an estimated 10,000 of the airline 's employees were reported to have been made redundant .
41 A total of 38 rebels were reported to have been extradited to Vietnam on Jan. 14 , 1990 , and were given prison sentences ranging from six to 15 years .
42 Eight FMI members who had been arrested in June 1990 were among 108 prisoners who on April 13 were reported to have been freed on April 1 .
43 In three days of releases in early September 465 prisoners were reported to have been freed .
44 Entrance and visa requirements for all UN and foreign personnel were reported to have been tightened since the expiry of the last memorandum on June 30 .
45 Some 200 of Aguinaldo 's supporters were reported to have been captured , but a further 100 or more , including Aguinaldo , escaped .
46 Several students were reported to have been arrested .
47 Between 400 and 500 people including about 200 civilians were reported to have been arrested in the wake of the abortive April 22 , 1990 , coup attempt [ see p. 37367 ] .
48 On June 3 between six and eight members of left-wing parties were reported to have been arrested .
49 The attempt was said to have been led by former Minister of Territorial Administration Maj. Lamine Diabira ; eight other officers were reported to have been arrested .
50 All radio stations were closed down by the mutineers ; several ministers , including the Prime Minister , were reported to have been arrested and others were seeking asylum in foreign embassies .
51 A total of 128 adults and 22 minors were reported to have been arrested as anti-abortionists clashed with pro-choice stewards attempting to escort women patients into the clinics .
52 The 17 were reported to have been arrested after the Committee for the Defence of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria had issued leaflets in December 1991 criticizing the Dec. 2 referendum which gave overwhelming approval to Assad 's nomination for a fourth term as President [ see p. 38695 ] .
53 A general strike on May 21 , called by 29 trade unions demanding Aristide 's return , received little visible support in the capital , Port-au-Prince , but seven students and one teacher were reported to have been arrested .
54 The strike passed off relatively peacefully , although 50 strikers were reported to have been arrested following clashes with riot police .
55 Some 200 people in possession of pamphlets calling for a multiparty political system were reported to have been arrested in recent weeks around the country ; the human rights organization Amnesty International said that many people working in companies with facsimile transmission machines capable of receiving opposition literature printed abroad were among those detained .
56 At least 250 more people were reported to have been arrested on Nov. 14 and 15 in the coastal city of Alexandria .
57 By mid-December more than 5,000 religious extremists , mainly Hindus , were reported to have been arrested under sweeping preventive detention laws ; a further 3,000 Hindu militants were arrested in Uttar Pradesh on Dec. 25 .
58 Four of those sentenced to death in Shiraz were reported to have been executed .
59 More than 30 military officers suspected of plotting a coup , including a Shia general , were reported to have been executed in September , according to unconfirmed reports in the Washington Post of Oct. 4 .
60 All of Kuwait 's 950 producing oil wells were reported to have been set ablaze or damaged .
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