Example sentences of "[is] taken of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It has an excellent reputation , and care is taken of the girls ’ welfare . ’
2 But the severe limitations of this technique become clear when account is taken of the conditions which would have to hold in order to render the results accurate .
3 8 ( 1 ) No right of action to recover land shall be treated as accruing unless the land is in the possession of some person in whose favour the period of limitation can run ( referred to below in this paragraph as " adverse possession " ) ; and where under the preceding provisions … any such right of action is treated as accruing on a certain date and no person is in adverse possession on that date , the right of action shall not be treated as accruing unless and until adverse possession is taken of the land .
4 One sample is taken of the effluent , with both downstream and upstream samples of the river .
5 It is arguable that this would be right ; but on the whole it seems to us that , whatever view is taken of the buyer 's moral duty , the law would be too strict if it made him guilty of theft .
6 In this project advantage is taken of the researcher 's proximity to Northern France and the opportunities this offers to use ethnographic methods in an in-depth study of two Calais primary schools , one in the affluent northern quarter of the town and the other in its educational priority zone .
7 The sterling/ Deutschmark rate would seem to have been particularly out of kilter when account is taken of the rise in Britain 's unit costs against those of Germany .
8 But since only the score achieved so far is used , no account is taken of the possibility of right context effects increasing the score of the whole path .
9 In a no account is taken of the animals ' life styles .
10 Their Lordships were shown a judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in Stinchcombe v. The Queen ( unreported ) , 7 November 1991 from which it appears that ( partly in reliance on section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ) a much wider view is taken of the prosecution 's duty of disclosure of documents to the defence , namely , that , subject to certain discretions as to whether and when disclosure should be made , the Crown has a legal duty to disclose all relevant information to the defence on the basis that
11 In determining how much can be achieved in 15 minutes , consideration is taken of the time to store/restore and the time to verify , and equal durations of seven and a half minutes are allocated to these phases .
12 No account is taken of the importance of housework to women , either in terms of the simple amount of time women spend on domestic-care activities , or in terms of the personal meaning of housework to women ( which may , of course , vary with different social locations ) .
13 They can help bridge the communication divide between information system technologist and the ultimate user , and also ensure that due account is taken of the quality and type of information that is being manipulated , communicated and stored on the systems .
14 No notice is taken of the effect it is having on the recipient .
15 Will he ensure before the Budget that , in any such conservation measure , account is taken of the needs of rural areas where —
16 Procedures for planning developments in the Biomedical Sciences have been improved , to ensure that full account is taken of the needs both of subjects based in South Parks Road and of those on the hospital sites .
17 The Economist referred to the device of ‘ calling in a High Court judge to write incredible economic nonsense ’ , but whatever view is taken of the justice or the wisdom of the report which recommended a considerable wage increase and which formed the basis of the settlement , the impression given was that the government had set up this enquiry to produce a report which would enable them to yield to the miners ' claim without total loss of face .
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