Example sentences of "[is] being given [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Delighted he 's being given the O.K. , unsure what we 're meant to be doing now , and HUNGRY !
2 In the Christian message … there is absolutely no question of man 's being given an historical account of a section of the past , which he might put to the test , or critically confirm or reject .
3 LIKE the children he helps , Rod Jones is being given a second chance .
4 EastEnders , regarded by senior BBC managers as having lost its way with sordid story lines , is being given a new producer .
5 Dog-eared it may be , but the idea is being given a new lease of life by the rapprochement between the Soviet Union and South Korea , the thaw in relations between Japan and North Korea , and now a likely peace treaty between Japan and the Soviet Union .
6 One of Britain 's 12 national trails , the North Downs Way , is being given a major facelift over the next three years .
7 VHAF , as it is known in the trade , is being given a rigorous fitness test by the Football League Playing Surfaces Committee .
8 It is important to make a definite decision about this right from the start , without letting her feel in any way that she is being given a weekly or monthly ‘ ration ’ of her family 's free time , as a duty rather than a pleasure .
9 To ‘ work to ensure a system of legal liability for members which provides a reasonable balance between the interests of auditors , preparers and users of accounts ’ is ranked 14th in a list of 15 detailed objectives , which does not encourage one to believe that it is being given a proper priority .
10 Where Italy is being given a cold shoulder today , could other deficit countries with particular political problems — a Mitterrand France , a Wilson Britain , a post-Franco Spain , a Denmark with a parliament of all-sorts — be jilted tomorrow ?
11 A newspaper campaign to prevent breeding by some of the substandard individuals with whom society is saddled would be much more to the point than vapid maunderings about the welfare of a child who has been endowed with an almost perfect inheritance , and is being given the best possible care ! ’
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