Example sentences of "[is] being [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wellingborough against Brackley in the Hillier Cup , that 's being played at the Dog and Duck ground , I would imagine it 's blow football in a pub , and finally , in the Overton Papers combination , pretty boring this one — Watford Reserves against Oxford Reserves .
2 It 's blood that 's being lost at a high rate , it 's dangerous whatever ver vessel it 's coming from , so you will stop it by pad , pressure and elevation , you will attempt to reduce the loss of blood and assist the formation of a clot , once you 've assisted in the formation of a clot , by putting the pad on it , would it be sensible to have a little peak to see how it 's doing ?
3 Can I remind conference that there 'll be a collection for the Burnsall strikers , that 's being taken at the door , immediately you going out .
4 County roles take members into schools in their day-to-day work , and for some of the team 's functions ( especially the selection of schools for recommendation for inclusion in the project ) the project role is being played at the same time .
5 This is a United Nations embargo , er and er all ships are required to comply with it , er and er the British , Australian , American ships which combined in this action , and we 've just had another one , and er also , there which involved also different ships , but involved er British , Australian and American ships as well , er and that ship is being inspected at the present time .
6 Money is being raised at the moment to provide houses for those who come out first .
7 Italy 's honour is being saved at the moment by the private sector ; local industries and banks are adopting projects , and although the choice of priorities is not always beyond criticism , their efforts shame the government 's .
8 ( The Atlantic , though dominated by an enormous mid-ocean ridge where new sea-floor is being created at a modest rate of about an inch a year , is home to only two very small subduction zones , with volcanoes and trenches , in the Caribbean and the South Sandwich Islands , and therefore is not being destroyed at its edges as rapidly as it is being created in the middle ; the Indian Ocean is similarly undramatic — a mid-ocean ridge once again , but a single subduction zone where its eastern plate collides with the Eurasian Plate and produces the volcanoes that — like Krakatoa — line the southern side of the islands of Java , Sumatra and Timor . )
9 The club is having to play all its fixtures away from home for the second successive season because a new roof is being built at a cost of £1.3million .
10 The Six Hundred series , made in collaboration with the Japanese , is being built at the Cowley plant .
11 Around 2 million hectares of natural forest remain , and this is being cleared at the rate of around 100,000-200,000 hectares every year .
12 The experimental GROPE system , which gives tactile feedback , is being developed at the University of North Carolina .
13 To make the process as uniform as possible the professionals will use standardised methods covering a range of possible problems , such as those included in the Camberwell assessment of need , which is being developed at the Institute of Psychiatry ( box 4 ) .
14 but , but we , we , we might come across this again a bit later on th that i it 's entirely possible that what is being said at the early part is n't actually borne out by the details that come later on .
15 The most serious risk of flooding this evening is on the River Wye between Ross on Wye and Hereford.The National Rivers authority has issued a red alert along the whole stretch until midnight.And there are also flood warnings on the River Severn in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.The situation is being monitored at the NRA 's control room in Tewkesbury :
16 This three-year project is being conducted at the Science Policy Research Unit ( SPRU ) , University of Sussex , under the direction of B R Martin .
17 ‘ It is stressed that this is the only confirmed case of doping into which an inquiry is being conducted at the moment by the Jockey Club . ’
18 The Docklands Light Railway is being extended at an eventual cost of £800 million .
19 CRUCIBLE , Channel 4 's answer to Horizon , is being scotched at a time when the new TV channel is capturing only 4 per cent of the viewing market in the UK .
20 This activity , along with the History of Ageing ( see C below ) is being undertaken at the Group by the Rank Xerox Unit of ageing .
21 It is alleged that in the Philippines , for example , it is being lost at a rate of 3 ha per minute .
22 I wonder whether his influence is being felt at the back anyway .
23 A man is being questioned at a police station in London .
24 Winter gear is being readied at the moment , but it will be hard , all the same , travelling in such weather . ’
25 On the other hand , in another part of the press release , Ray Noorda ( the President and CEO of Novell ) makes a conflicting observation : ‘ This acquisition is being done at the urging of customers who have asked us to support the UNIX system directly and integrate it more fully within the Netware environment . ’
26 Yes I think it 's fair to say at the moment that , that , that is being looked at Mr Trotter , together with er the broader range of issues on the er the operating concept er for E F two thousand but it is of course standard practice to buy not just the number you need for the front line but to buy sufficient aircraft to keep that front line in field for about twenty five , thirty years , whatever the life of the aircraft happens to be , taking account of er attrition , taking account of training requirements and engineering needs and support needs and all that kind of thing and all that work er is , has been done , is being done at the moment and er final figures will be put to that in in due course .
27 No , no , erm this is being done at the University of Surrey .
28 If we did take control of the Council I think we would try and decentralize much more than is being done at the moment .
29 Northumberland has , of course , great beauties , but foul and interminable rain endured there on the Tuesday and in Chester-le-Street , with a lesser downpour in Darlington the next day , have reduced me to the shuddering , feverish condition in which this is being written at the Wheatsheaf , Sandbach .
30 In other words , part of the essence of Cobol clarity is being preserved at the expense of what some would argue is object-oriented programming 's inherent expressiveness at the fine object level .
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