Example sentences of "[is] after all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lots of writers have produced extraordinary work in conditions more immediately oppressive than mine — mine is after all a kind of open prison — and their example inspires me .
2 It is after all a film about a mother and daughter relationship .
3 It is after all a suburb of Abingdon
4 There is after all no point in throwing good money after bad , and the need to maintain harmonious industrial relations is likely to be considered of greater importance than achieving a barren judgment .
5 Unless the mystery of the Eurotunnel share price is satisfactorily explained to me , I shall just have to assume that there is after all no rhyme or reason to the universe .
6 ‘ The air — ’ he paused , ‘ it is after all the nectar of the district , the essence of the mountains — to eat simple food in such air with such wonders of nature to look on — who could ask for more ? ’
7 Art is after all the subject of attention for both critic and historian , even though the functions and methods of the two sorts of writer have drawn apart .
8 There was n't any chance really , well there was nothing which we could call there was no encouragement for girls to achieve anything academically or really encouragement for them to do anything much with their lives after they left school , aside from in the home , except for perhaps being domestic servants , something like that , which is after all the category of employment which absorbed most women until quite late on .
9 That is after all the task of the board and leadership of a company .
10 It is after all the effectiveness ( or otherwise ) of the socialised deployment of the personal sector surplus which would over time build support for ( or resentment against ) any such scheme .
11 I have tried , without , I hope , ignoring economic and social factors , not to let them obliterate what is after all the key to any historical situation — the men who thought or acted in this way or that . ’
12 In the novel , however , Marcel finds that this exploration mostly leads to a dead end , since the conscious effort of remembering , which is after all an effort of mind and will , is something which at best yields only a lifeless image of the past .
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