Example sentences of "[is] only [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Barbara thank you , and the number of that line is O three four five O one O two O three , that 's O three four five O one O two O three and it 's , and it 's only charged at local prices I understand .
2 He 's only charged with one offence of criminal deception at the moment .
3 He 's only charged with one offence of criminal deception at the moment .
4 We talked about how fast you can make a 1.1 MkII Escort run when it 's only firing on three cylinders and how to make it run on three cylinders when it wants to run on just two .
5 We are expecting him back on Monday — but if he 's only staying for three days it 's a pointless exercise .
6 And it would have shown on the certificate , the time of birth — it 's only done for multiple births .
7 But I mean Kathy 's only done like one side apparently
8 He 's only looking at that bit .
9 I think it 's only lasted about eight or ten weeks .
10 Now it 's only talking about further R4000 upgrades next year .
11 Erm it 's only coming from this way .
12 Both holes and pockets can be cut in wood or plasterboard without having to drill a starting hole : but it 's only advised for experienced users .
13 He 's only insured for eighteen thousand anyway so I said well to be perfectly honest Jim , I said I would n't of thought that the insurance company 's gon na pay out eighteen thousand quid without getting some sort insurance investigator down there to sort it out .
14 But it 's only happening in some less developed countries .
15 She 's only going for one class .
16 Well there 's only look like two that are anything discussing that film about the lambs whatever it 's called with Jodie Foster , the rest did n't look very interesting but you may feel differently .
17 He 's only filming for two days .
18 does she agree that there 's something bizarre in er I certainly agree successful experiment it bringing to an end because it 's a successful experiment , er clearly the policy is only to continue with unsuccessful experiments .
19 In another company , one major activity is only related to economic factors to a small extent , while its other activities are so stable that detailed economic information analysis is considered unnecessary .
20 And that 's quite an achievement because the Gold Star award is only given to five per cent of resorts in the world .
21 It is strongly advised that this privilege is only given to responsible users — please contact Sema Software Technology Technical Support Department for further advice .
22 Exultation comes and goes , but here again for the while I suppose it has returned to me in preparation for that step back into the radiant arc of omnipotence which is only given on this earth to the narrator in or of a novel .
23 When you consider that the event is only played on this side of the Atlantic once every four years I do n't think that the decision-makers at the BBC did the event justice , particularly with all the hype which went before it .
24 The value to the holder , apart from the intrinsic expertise developed , is only rewarded in some local education authorities where an extra scale point may be offered to an otherwise fully qualified teacher on successfully completing a Diploma course .
25 One might speculate that an impending solution to the Northern Ireland problem would split off from the clerical leadership those groups for whom the present position is only accepted on pragmatic grounds .
26 At later stages the marsh cover becomes denser and deposition is encouraged , until finally the marsh is built up to such an extent that it is only covered at high spring tides .
27 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
28 When entering Germany you are supposed to pay a toll which is only charged to non-German coach operators .
29 This is only charged on British residents , so if you are in the position of being able to realise a gain , it is advisable to wait until you acquire non-resident status a UK
30 Drake is only waterfowl with white head , black and white upperparts and rufous underparts : also has green patches on forehead and nape .
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