Example sentences of "[is] no [det] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 THE gleam in President Gorbachev 's eye is no less than a new Marshall Plan to reorganise the Soviet Union 's economy , financed by the world 's seven leading industrial countries , the G7 .
2 ‘ To experience two within the same day is no less than a catastrophe .
3 Christian marriage is no less than the unity of two people , living out the reality of Christ 's coming , death and resurrection in their lives together .
4 This battle , which is still raging , is no less than the fight between good and evil : the war between God and the Devil .
5 This battle , I have argued , is no less than the fight between God and the Devil .
6 The Spirit is no less than the personal , moral , active power of the Lord God , and for the further revelation of his nature we must await Act Two , the coming of Jesus , to which we shall turn in the next chapter .
7 The ensuing dilemma that arts educators find themselves in is no less than the struggle to transform reality into something which more fully reflects the astounding potential that both boys and girls have to construct their own lives ; to make their own mark .
8 Philistinism is rife , and it is high time for some loud restatement of the old conservationist maxim that ownership is no more than a temporary rental on the nation 's heritage .
9 A cordon is no more than a single stem which fruits all the way along .
10 But someone committed to a thorough-going naturalism is no more prepared to allow to the mind mysterious properties than he is prepared to allow them to matter : for the thorough-going naturalist , after all , mind is no more than a manifestation of matter .
11 A natural response to this state of affairs would be to say that theory cut off from the writing of literature is no more than a sterile academicism .
12 ‘ Labour 's supposed conversion to multilateralism is no more than a confidence trick to try to make Labour electable .
13 Until then the Polo is no more than a worthy evolution of a familiar species and merely addresses the most urgent problems that nearly 10 years of standing still have created .
14 In 1987 , soul is no more than a packed vehicle beating a hasty retreat from what are perceived as the excesses of white modernism .
15 The theory ( and it is no more than a theory ) goes something like this .
16 The final chapter is no more than a scrappy addition with rather a lot of photographs of by now familiar faces from November 1989 .
17 However gifted , a theatre director is no more than a metteur en scène .
18 Vienna Dear Fräulein , I hope and believe the sad condition you describe is no more than a temporary fantasy .
19 It is no more than a consistent point of view , which has the advantage that , if we accept it , we can stop arguing about whether feelings are causes of actions , and can get on with finding out how our brains work , without fearing that an answer to the question would make free will an illusion .
20 But such ‘ telling-all ’ is no more than a form of exhibitionism .
21 The scale of Fujimori 's problem was highlighted as troops moved to take control of Lima 's Castro Castro prison , where the high-security rating is no more than a wistful reminder of an architect 's intentions .
22 Subject to these provisos , the proposal is no more than a logical development of the original WEA practice of asking the University to provide teaching facilities through Joint Committee procedure .
23 The GP in this social world — far from being an expert — is no more than a layperson , with the same prejudices as others .
24 It is therefore important to establish the reasons why it is no more than a secondary justification dependent on the availability , at least to a certain degree , of another justification .
25 All that has been achieved , he or she now claims , is no more than a revelation of some primordial ordering of humanity .
26 Without religion , man is no more than a form of brute beast .
27 This deposit mantles the flanks of the pre-existing cone , but is no more than a few metres thick at most .
28 I thought I would never believe it at one time , but I now accept , along with every other carp angler , that carp can differentiate — given time — between a bait that is no more than a tasty morsel of carbohydrate and one that consists mainly of ingredients with a high nutritive value
29 The syllabus , after all , is no more than a sketch of the terrain ; the scheme of work is a strategic plan which identifies objectives and tactics , and which allows for review and reinforcement .
30 Tuttle , by maintaining that the Laetoli prints are closer to Homo than the Hadar foot bones , and that different species were involved , is falling very much into the Leakey camp which believes that the earliest ’ true man ’ is more likely to be found in Tanzania than in Ethiopia , and that A afarensis is no more than a sub-branch of evolution .
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