Example sentences of "[is] not such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He said such an Article was ineffective , " but a provision as to voting rights which has the effect of making a special resolution incapable of being passed if a particular shareholder … exercises his voting rights against a proposed alternation , is not such a provision " .
2 In other areas where community charge is not such a factor you do n't get it .
3 In such circumstances , it is not such a blow to have lost the confession .
4 This is not such a problem in most other EC states which do not demand major modifications for acceptance of imported aircraft onto their registers .
5 In fact a large vocabulary system accepting natural language is simpler to obtain for written language than for spoken , because the recognition units ( i.e. letters ) appear to be easier to identify , and identifying word breaks is not such a problem .
6 Admittedly , one has to stoop down to smell a low shrub , but that is not such a problem for most of us as it is to struggle through to the middle of a bed .
7 The OAPA is a mess but surely it is not such a mess .
8 But it is not such a quantum leap to understand two cooking media as it is to grasp the principles of some multi-task ovens which appear to have nearly as many functions as the ubiquitous Swiss army knife .
9 Obviously , if there is not such a situation , the company should invest in every positive-NPV product available to it , subject to having the capacity to manage investment on that scale .
10 16–6–1843 " Considering that within the bounds of this parish there is not such a number of adherants , as would of themselves form a Congregation , but that it is necessary that the parish of Bowmore .
11 It is not such a mystery really , as the Treasury admitted after Mr Lamont had finished his speech that next year they plan to borrow £44 billion .
12 A small earthquake The collapse of postwar Europe 's status quo is not such a disaster , argues Denis MacShane
13 EUROPEAN POLITICS A small earthquake The collapse of postwar Europe 's status quo is not such a disaster , argues Denis MacShane
14 Individual patterns belonging to established ranges are renewed on a regular basis within the trade , whereas the introduction of a whole range is not such a routine event .
15 The obvious reply to this argument is that we need a reason to accept a decision reached behind this veil of ignorance , and the claim that no decision would be reached behind a differently constructed veil of ignorance is not such a reason unless it has already been shown , as it has not in fact , that we are bound by the results of some veil of ignorance , whatever it may be .
16 It was an excellent idea to couple the 1915 El Amor brujo with El Retablo de Maese Pedro , to show that there is not such a gulf between the ‘ Andalusian ’ and ‘ Castillian ’ periods of Fall 's musical output as is commonly supposed .
17 ‘ I would n't like to say that there is not such a thing as black magic but I know of a coincidence , or something that happened regularly .
18 King Kong 's climbing frame is not such a bargain though ; complex leases will keep any new owner 's hands off the property until 2076 , America 's tercentenary .
19 Obviously the indicated similar remedy is still chosen on the same principles as before but choice of potency , up to now our main variable factor for controlling the response to the remedy , is not such an issue when using the LM 's .
20 An intention to return sooner or later is not such an intent : Warner ( 1970 ) 55 Cr App R 93 .
21 The study area , Dunrossness , as defined by the local administration is not such an area .
22 ‘ It 's not such a fib , ’ he countered .
23 Though — ’ he sat back and gave her a grim smile ‘ — I hope he 's not such a fool as to pay over the odds for your services . ’
24 Mind you , it 's not such a surprise coming from one who is self-confessedly arrogant and opinionated and whose only accolade is that he edits a magazine .
25 O K , if I could actually show you a way where there 's not such a problem today , how would you feel then ?
26 The descent from the second Munro was knee-wrenching , and although it 's a relief to regain the track in the glen , it 's not such a relief to remember how far away the starting point is .
27 ‘ In Australia you are not supposed to have a cleaner or someone to do things for you , there 's not such a class distinction .
28 ‘ It 's not such a lot to ask !
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