Example sentences of "[is] not [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But what if your wishful purpose is not taking you in this direction ?
2 Davis is not taking it for granted .
3 This simile of the mustard seed is not to call us to some great Cecil B Demille-like ambition .
4 They do n't achieve because they have to choose , and the only way to get women achieving in a sort of relaxed way is not to force them with the choice between occupation success and families .
5 the best way to solve pollution problems is not to create them in the first place .
6 ‘ The best way to solve pollution problems is not to create them in the first place .
7 I think we have to recognise Angela 's concern if er a subject area that she 's trying to present , present and she is not precluding you from doing what you 've got
8 It should be stressed that the aim in providing teachers with training in observational procedures is not to turn them into classroom researchers …
9 And remember , the aim here is not to turn you into a super-mathematician but to accustom you to thinking somewhat differently to the way you were taught at school and thereby to make things easier for yourself .
10 The next thing is to make sure that the sin committed against you is not causing you in turn to sin .
11 The most obvious way of preventing cracks from spreading in brittle materials is not to use them in tension , in other words to use them in compression .
12 In these experiments , the rats learn the new trick best at those times when they remember the old trick least well : it is as if a rat can learn a new trick more easily when its memory is not muddling it with the memory of the old trick .
13 Free feed in this instance is not to attract them to our swim , for if we have chosen wisely we will already be fishing on the patrol route which they follow regardless of groundbait being present or not .
14 But Cooper 's figures also possess a larger than life boldness due not so much to childlike innocence but to the kind of confidence we imagine Eve and Adam had before the Fall , However , she is not confronting us with an easily gained optimism nor do her disembodied heads , upturned women and mild impassive eyes really evoke a vision of dream .
15 I suspect that the hon. Gentleman makes an amusing debating point and is not advancing it as part of a serious political argument .
16 Paul is not asking us to be passive .
17 What galls the most is not having him on the subs bench .
18 Clearly , if I 'm to give my loved one a spade for Christmas , the answer is not to wrap it at all .
19 To recognize a rule as a rule is not to recognize it in terms of approval or disapproval .
20 I think the most important thing about community arts is that it 's arts for the community , and invariably one is not approaching it in the same way as one would market , say , a show at the Theatre Royal for instance .
21 What you actually do is not put it in percentage but in shares .
22 So when he maintains that because we are , Truth or God is , or that God is the sum total of life , it could be argued that he is not presenting us with some kind of cosmological argument for the existence of God and that it is not his purpose to argue from the world to God .
23 And one particularly thorough research study on boys growing up in London concluded that if a boy offends , the best way to prevent him from offending repeatedly is not to catch him in the first place ( West , 1992 : 104–11 ) !
24 When you do file extract , just er , saving part , it 's not removing it from this .
25 And he told me , he told me , I 've got it written on the back of me hand I thought it was brilliant that , I thought little do you know what I 'm gon na use that for he never phoned me for a , he 's not phoned me for
26 Amy 's not using it at the moment , oh goodness me .
27 Yeah he 's not taking me for a ride or anything .
28 It 's not to make us into some spiritual superstars , like some great leader of the past or present .
29 when I read that , you know , this is perhaps a wrong s feeling of to express but yo The lord the God created the world but he 's not meaning it in that respect is he ?
30 ‘ He 's not overdoing it at school is he ? ’
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