Example sentences of "[is] that [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If it is possible to generalize from this at all , it is that presence of predator remains in a fossil assemblage gives no indication of method of origin of the assemblage , even if it can be shown to be accumulated by a predator .
2 What is sometimes not appreciated is that privatisation of provision and finance requires extra regulation .
3 The most important reason for questioning the traditional view , however , is that variation in initial h usage is a very common pattern in ME texts .
4 One surprising result of the comparison between red deer and kittiwakes is that variation in lifetime breeding success is little greater in red deer stags than in male kittiwakes ( see Table 23.5 ) : in fact if all individuals born/hatched are included , it is slightly ( though not significantly ) greater in male kittiwakes .
5 Is that back of stage ?
6 The probable answer to the first inquiry is that ownership of material is unchanged by alteration of it ; to the second , that the court will use its discretion in making an order for specific restitution and will award the thing to him whose interest is the more substantial , on condition that he pays the value of the other 's interest .
7 My understanding is that change of traffic flows along the A sixty one , through Harrogate and Knaresborough will or through Harrogate anyway , will allow significant improvements to the environment to be to be attained through for example erm pedestrian er refuges on on the roads through i er allowing er pedestrian er priority areas .
8 Is that freedom of speech ? ’
9 The underlying justification for this book is that participation in policy making for a group of public services of considerable importance to us all must rest upon understanding : understanding of what the policies are , of how they are made and implemented , and of the implications of the many prevailing suggestions on how to change those policies .
10 What is perhaps missing is that element of spontaneity which serves to project Haydn 's originality in a more vivid manner .
11 Yet it 's also claimed that a primary characteristic of the play is that element of redemption which binds together all your work .
12 A main reason for this is that preparation for housewifery is intermingled with socialization for the feminine gender role in the wider sense .
13 The rationale for doing so is that consumption of capital assets is one of the costs of earning the revenues of the business and as such is paid from untaxed income under the tax authority 's rules .
14 The rationale for doing so is that consumption of capital assets is one of the costs of earning the revenues of the business and as such is paid from untaxed income under the tax authority 's rules .
15 The only native Hawaiian plants and animals that are n't extinct are found on the high mountainsides ( yes , a lot of people live their whole lives in Hawaii without ever coming across a native species ) , and the biggest problem up there is that type of pig that descended from European wild boars and Polynesian pigs .
16 And I do n't think his wife is that type of woman .
17 One British observer has pointed out how curious it is that assessment of performance procedures has been developed ( by the APU ) without any reference to procedures for the improvement of performance .
18 The central insight , as Jonathan Mann ( Harvard ) pointed out , and as is emphasised in the report of the Global AIDS Policy Coalition , is that discrimination by society lies at the root of individual and community vulnerability to AIDS .
19 PRP is that part of pay which varies with changes in the profits of the business in which the employee works , and is eligible for tax relief if paid under a scheme which has been registered by the Revenue .
20 Er narcissism and narcissism , narcissistic libido is , is , is that part of libido which is concerned with the ego and it is this aspect of the libido especially which is involved in a group , because as I think erm somebody said over here when developing this point , this leads to for example a group narcissism .
21 It is common ground between the plaintiffs and the ombudsman that the only relevant matter of complaint is that part of paragraph 3 of Part II to Schedule 12 , which refers to the grant or refusal to grant further advances to a borrowing member .
22 Is that part in sunlight or not ?
23 Basically , what has happened is that progress in technology , allied with rising affluence , has transformed availability of media and made personal choice both possible and affordable .
24 One source of difficulty and confusion which , as we shall see , has survived the statutory reforms associated with the Contempt of Court Act 1981 is that interference with justice as a continuing process may occur through the medium of a particular criminal or civil case .
25 The one subject on which there seems to be unanimity , is that purity of insulin has been an important advance ( Andreani et al , 1977 ) .
26 A good example is that branch of physics for which the title ‘ optoelectronics ’ has been coined .
27 And so is that instant of anticipation when it seems that two bodies must collide , brutally , and one is helpless to stop it .
28 A great advantage is that taxation of property , which is geographically immobile , is easier to collect than a taxation on individuals , who may be mobile .
29 The truth is that nationality in art has limited importance .
30 The theme of this paper is that knowledge of soil conservation techniques should be improved , but the most pressing need is to put into practice what is already known .
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