Example sentences of "[is] a [noun sg] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a relief for mum and dad .
2 It 's a chance for rugby to throw its weight around .
3 Well Pauline 's a devil for punishment I would say , she 's got both lads at school now you know and she 's home all day and she is n't one for sitting around Pauline
4 It 's a triumph for integrity .
5 As with everything else , it 's a subject for discussion on the group .
6 With the ‘ Guinness Spot ’ closed tonight , here 's a treat for jazz aficionados .
7 One is to include corporate dummy variable of the intercept and see whether it 's T ratio or significantly different , is , sorry it 's greater than two right or we can use an F test , right , now that F test that 's given me that formula in the middle of the page is a very important test which was developed by a chap called Chow and as a result it become known as the Chow test and it 's a , it 's a test for parameter constancy , er do we have constant parameters in our model now it tells you how to compute this Chow test , in this particular case we 're only dummying the intercept , the Chow test gives exactly the same results of T tests , right , erm we wo n't bother going through it , if you want to go through this er sheet in your own time calculate that , that Chow test and essentially what it involves is splitting with the s the whole sample now into two sub-samples , right , the first sub-sample , right , is peacetime , the second sub-sample wartime , right , and you just compare the residual sum of the squares on the unaccounted for variation , right , between actual and fitted values , just compare the residual sum of squares between these two sub periods , right and if you use the formula that 's given there that will come out with exactly the same result , well in actual fact you can square , if you square the F statistic you get calculating one formula you will get T value , got from er the computer right , the er , the sheet goes on to say how we can er use dummy variables in slightly more complicated ways , right , we could see actually see whether the income or price elasticities of demand changed .
8 I suppose it 's a metaphor for life , because life is n't always a bed of roses , either . ’
9 Somewhere in the grounds there 's a grave for Lady , who was the pet of the original family here last century .
10 Yes now what I meant was that , that erm in a group like this , the the th th the leader or the leadership role may be relatively minimal and the individualism of the members may be relevant , but I hope it was cos I I think it 's a mistake for class in groups and that so one would hope in this kind of group , the individual variation would be so important that these kind of group phenomena that Freud is talking about in this book but clearly in other groups they 're they 're more important , partly because you can never organize a group by kind of having a meeting with everybody .
11 All of which is not just a problem for a properly penitent British Rail : it 's a problem for government too .
12 They like to do it a bit but they really ca n't sustain it because ultimately there 's a , there 's a call for action , a demand for action .
13 I remember erm was n't it Eyre that made great mileage of saying that just because there 's a word for beauty does n't mean to say that there 's such a thing as beauty .
14 and erm was n't it Ayer that made great erm mileage out of saying , ‘ Just because there 's a word for beauty does n't mean to say that there 's such a thing as beauty ’ .
15 Mollie 's a stickler for punctuality . ’
16 ‘ She 's a stickler for accuracy .
17 It 's a request for information .
18 There 's a recall for keeper , Paul Kee and David Collins gets a game in midfield with Lewis injured .
19 There 's a reward for Bouncer 's safe return , but in the meantime Jackie will continue to keep a keen eye on the pub .
20 High-tech tools are of little help here , and even a saw is of limited use : it 's a job for mallet and chisel .
21 Hunt supporters say it 's a victory for democracy — anti hunt campaigners have vowed to continue their fight to get hunting banned .
22 ‘ Most people would say it 's a gift for forgery . ’
23 Within The Redskins ' drastically curtailed emotional range , they worked , because there 's a potential for romance in streetfighting and revolution .
24 And here 's a hint for level 3 :
25 There we are there 's a card for daddy .
26 That 's a recipe for disaster .
27 But police say when drivers have nowhere to stop and rest , it 's a recipe for disaster .
28 Oh , I 'm not suggesting that these groups , if they come together and mix will cause problems , I 'm suggesting that if there is only one kind of person that 's attracted to a particular site and that type of person happens to be socially irresponsible , then then you 're it 's a recipe for disaster , is n't it ?
29 If it 's a house for university then they only rent it out .
30 Deanes says it 's a cry for help . ’
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