Example sentences of "[is] only [prep] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course you 'll have to , ’ Father Devlin boomed cheerfully , ‘ it 's only to be expected . ’
2 Overall sound quality is good , without the dulling and squashing side effects that some products can produce ; pumping can be provoked in the hard ratio mode by extreme settings , but that 's only to be expected .
3 " And Martha 's the same , it 's only to be expected at her age . "
4 ‘ Well , that 's only to be expected .
5 On this occasion , Murphy 's skill can only be admired visually , and the real force of his audience 's response is only to be guessed at .
6 It is only to be hoped that dispersals of any kind are restricted on the most severe criteria , and that money for acquisitions , storage and , perhaps most important , staff for cataloguing is not stinted .
7 High-speed , hood-down progress is only to be undertaken with all windows up as otherwise the wind whips round the side and into the cabin .
8 Censorship is only to be exercised in accordance with the law of the land
9 Most of the companies in the top 10 are small and fast-growing , which is only to be expected — after all , it would be extraordinary for ICI to double its earnings .
10 So a certain weariness is only to be expected .
11 ‘ A little nervousness is only to be expected when you 're starting a new job ’
12 This is only to be expected .
13 Muddles in language often occur ( as is only to be expected ) in the petitioner 's question rather than in the jurist 's answer .
14 The striking thing about cases such as these is not that they failed — that is only to be expected — but rather that they contain suggestions that a proper claim might meet with success , although difficulty might attend mounting it .
15 But again , this is only to be expected on a cheap new instrument ( and not unheard of on new guitars costing ten times as much ) and easily fixed .
16 This is only to be expected , since the Brasserie has been set up along similar lines to L'Auberge ( i.e. it has the same staff ) .
17 The poems are of course cleverly written but that is only to be expected of a writer of John Bitumen 's calibre .
18 Resistance is only to be expected .
19 Such a connection between newspapers and political parties is only to be expected ; newspapers have traditionally wished to play a part in the political system and have never been reluctant to express a view ( ‘ The Sun says ’ ) on the ways of the world .
20 Businessmen are complaining loudly , as is only to be expected .
21 He was himself a member of the prince 's council , and although he is unlikely to have played much part in its activities this is only to be expected from a nobleman of his rank and does not mean that he remained aloof from the king 's plans for the region .
22 This is only to be expected , for the management of a client 's account is the management of an advertising agency in miniature .
23 This latter result is only to be expected : the Tories have assiduously cultivated the image of the defender of the ‘ national interest ’ as opposed to the supposed trade union ‘ sectionalism ’ of the Labour Party , and militant ‘ class conscious ’ organisations within the middle classes have never made much headway ( John Gorst 's ‘ Middle Class Association ’ for instance ) .
24 Imbalance of this sort is only to be expected ; for we are very human and our understanding is limited and our perspectives often determined by what has particularly struck us .
25 Judicial misinterpretation is only to be expected where radical reform is introduced .
26 On the industry budget , regional selective assistance , which is led by demand on the part of applicants for assistance , is expected to be down next year , which is only to be expected in the present economic circumstances .
27 He was himself a member of the prince 's council , and although he is unlikely to have played much part in its activities this is only to be expected from a nobleman of his rank and does not mean that he remained aloof from the king 's plans for the region .
28 But speculative source-study can reveal more about the reading of the scholar than about the actual text whose possible sources are the object of the exercise and , after all , it is only to be expected that those who share a faith will also share a way of expressing it .
29 It is only to be expected that these two rather different techniques , the Doppler shift technique and the " chirp radar " technique , would be useful for different special purposes .
30 Since each is a little different from its parent , it is only to be expected that each will be slightly more different from its grandparents ( and its grandchildren ) , and even more different still from its great grandparents ( and great grandchildren ) .
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