Example sentences of "[is] not [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But for some printers , it is not the same craft .
2 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
3 For Locke , it was argued , the absurdity would follow that while the general is the same person as the officer , and he the same as the boy , the general is not the same person as the boy .
4 The second view unacceptable to Christians is that the Jesus who lived and walked on earth 2000 years ago is not the same person who is called ‘ Son of God ’ , and who is with God the Father .
5 For example , it has been pointed out that one person can not be asked the same question twice , the second time he is not the same person because he has already been asked the question once .
6 This is not the same person .
7 In such a liturgy it becomes apparent , in a way in which in a traditional liturgy , with a man celebrating , it does not , because there is not the same incongruity , that women are , at the very core of their religion , dependent on the male world .
8 Superman is I do n't know erm , well same difference any way , but you see this is it , he 's not , you know , in that story , in that , in , in , in , in that sort of nonsense thing , he is not the same character at both times , he has n't got , when he 's walking along the street as Clarke Kent he has n't got the ability to whoosh through the air as Superman he 's Clarke Kent , not so Jesus , he was n't Jesus divine one moment , Jesus human the other but they were perfectly married at all time from his , from the time he was , he 's conception took place , so he was n't one thing one moment , you know and one thing the next , but there it was a perfect marriage if you like , the two , I was gon na say becoming one so that they were invisible , you could n't say of that 's it that 's the human nature of Jesus , that 's his diviner it ju , because the two were perfectly married , they were fused together so they really they became one .
9 This is not the same drug .
10 Certainly , the means of expression are limited and their values rather general , so that there is not the same flexibility of tense as in an explicit finite clause ( but this is a common contrast found , not only in English but in many languages , between finite main verb phrases and other syntactic groups ( see Ferris and Jah , 1989 ) .
11 Another , more austerely intellectual , centre was Elea , which gave its name to the Eleatic school whose most famous representatives ( Zeno , who is not the same Zeno as the fourth-century founder of Stoicism ; and Parmenides ) addressed themselves to philosophical problems of being and identity .
12 The difference between ( 77 ) and ( 78 ) is not the same difficulty we met earlier , in the ambiguity of : ( 79 ) The cat is behind the car where behind can have either a deictic usage ( i.e. the car intervenes between the cat and the speaker 's location ) , or a non-deictic usage ( i.e. the cat is at the intrinsic rear-end of the car ) .
13 ‘ There is not the same level of security force presence in loyalist areas .
14 But the pedagogic methodology of application is not the same kind of operation as the conventional research methodology of selective observation and controlled experiment .
15 There is not the same implication about all knowledge .
16 Action : The user-supplied module X is not the same type as that known to LIFESPAN .
17 Europeans tend to favour the entrepreneur who is self-funding ; there is not the same confidence in new ventures over here . ’
18 with the result that there is not the same readiness to combine forces nor the same understanding of what such combination might produce ( Young 1971:35 ) .
19 The public or audience of the Financial Times is not the same audience as that of the Sun .
20 This is not the same form of heroism as those who put themselves at risk for others .
21 ‘ Alan Shearer is not the same sort of natural goal-scorer as Ian .
22 It is not the same sort of task as that of the natural scientist in search of hidden causes , because the context of action can not be divorced from the actors ' understanding of the context .
23 This is because information is not the same sort of thing as a car .
24 It is not the same body .
25 Graveney feels that in county cricket there is not the same class of speed attack as is found in Test cricket .
26 The receipt given to the air shipper is not the same arrival document sent to the consignee ; it could hardly be the same document given the shortness of air travel time .
27 ‘ It is not the same thing .
28 The struggle to decipher has been presented as a good thing in itself , though construing sentences is not the same thing as achieving intellectual understanding .
29 The political and financial capital already invested in the Channel tunnel project should ensure it bores on somehow — but that is not the same thing as Eurotunnel 's survival .
30 It 's very weird to see yourself ; looking in the mirror is not the same thing as seeing yourself three-dimensionally , which is very , very peculiar , ’ says Howard , who politely declined the chance to take his effigy home at the end of filming .
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