Example sentences of "[is] not [adj] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 It is not cost-effective to pursue the development of a full information model ( ie showing communication links ) using a flat-file database .
2 However , Beacham and Jones ( 1971 ) came close to taking this line on the grounds that it is not possible to perform the cost-benefit exercise well enough to obtain a soundly based conclusion .
3 10.6 Where , exceptionally , the Director of Social Work considers that it is not possible to redeploy the employee within the Department , the full circumstances of the case will be forwarded to the Personnel Manager who will circulate details to other Heads of Department , in an appropriately confidential manner , with a view to identifying suitable vacancies for the employee in question .
4 But it is not possible to reconcile the freedom of individual countries to tax with the freedom of capital movement within the Community .
5 Whilst it is not possible to fool the private sector repeatedly , issues of credibility and the extent of discretion are important .
6 The helical axes have significantly different directions in the two structures , and it is not possible to superimpose the helices .
7 However , it is then often necessary to read a whole bucket into primary storage at a time ; it is not possible to search the bucket and read in only the required record , but this does not apply if a device such as ICL 's CAFS-ISP is available to speed up the search .
8 Now the the control of the audit commission is on record as stating quite clearly that it is not possible to account the equation .
9 Although it is the case that many of Freud 's speculations were mistaken , something he half , if not fully , expected would happen within biology , it is not possible to ignore the other aspects of the death-instinct theory which have an application within psychoanalysis , and its extension into sociology .
10 It is not possible to explain the reasoning behind the proposals or their details in this leaflet — these are in the Plan itself .
11 It is not possible to explain the vast structure of institutions to which we assign the name of property as the expression , the means of satisfaction , of man 's desire for physical objects .
12 For this reason of re-programming , it is not possible to use the Form area of the E6000 's program when working with very large designs .
13 Unfortunately , it is not possible to foresee the extent and nature of any such activity at a particular time , and we are therefore unable to issue information updates on these rapidly changing local conditions .
14 It is not possible to describe the whole service , how it fits into the Institute 's structure , and its relationship with the chartered accountants ' Joint Ethics Committee within the constraints of one short article .
15 It is not possible to predict the unimaginable .
16 It is not possible to predict the types of security interests that will be created in the future and requiring registration of some such unforeseen interests could be unnecessarily burdensome ; even with respect to the known types of legal charge , particularly those conferring the right to possession , it would produce overkill ; and lastly it is claimed that to require the registration of all charges could dry up certain types of secured borrowing .
17 It is not possible to evade the prohibition of asphyxiating , poisonous and other gases simply by calling the weapons ‘ control agents and herbicides ’ .
18 As virtually all H pylori infected subjects have active chronic gastritis which precedes the development of atrophic changes , it is not possible to assess the direct effect of H pylori infection on acid secretion from that study without knowing which subjects had developed atrophy .
19 Although this is a well identified relationship it is not possible to state the nature of the relationship .
20 It is not possible to state the truth conditions of sentences with certain deictic elements and terms without reference to the deictic function in context .
21 For larger molecules it is not possible to disentangle the information about the electronic ground state from that relating to the excited state .
22 It is not possible to control the part of an index track that is read first .
23 The spacing of such steps on pointe is so minute and so fast that it is not possible to see the change of feet as one succeeds the other .
24 Hence , it is not possible to replicate the movements in a geometric index with an unchanging portfolio of shares .
25 If , as Parsons puts it , there can never be an id-impulse as such for the individual , since it must always be seen as part of the expressive symbolism of a common culture , then it is not possible to envisage the possibility of someone being in conflict with their society 's common culture .
26 This also means that it is not possible to compare the dissociation from isolated GC sites with that from clusters of such sites which may be stabilised by cooperative interaction .
27 If it is not possible to define the idea of numerical identity in terms of the criteria of re-identification , surely the idea of a plurality of particulars similarly can not be defined in terms of the criteria under which such particulars are differentiated from each other .
28 It is not possible to construct the e + pattern from the e x pattern or vice versa ; they are orthogonal polarization states .
29 It is not possible to establish the exact population of Brackley in the middle of the eighteenth century ; however , according to the census of 1801 , there were 1,495 people living in the town [ Baker , 1 , 574 ] .
30 There must be doubt as to whether the Government fully intended the severity of the monetary squeeze and the massive rise in the real exchange rate that impinged on the economy in those years , but it is not possible to overstate the economic shock that hit industry in 1979–1981 .
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