Example sentences of "[is] [not/n't] [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( c ) If the suspect is not charged the custody officer may be required to release him .
2 If an application is not made the court will consider matters relating to expert evidence of its own motion ( RSC Ord 25 , r3(1) ( a ) ) .
3 Years later the feminists were inspired by her most famous statement , ‘ One is not born a woman , one becomes one ’ , to conclude that the inferior status of ‘ the second sex ’ was not a natural phenomenon but a man-made one .
4 An alternative procedure which appears to be acceptable to HM Land Registry is to apply for office copies of the registered title ( Form 109 ) ; this incurs the same fee ( £8 ) as an index map search , and following the Land Registration ( Open Register ) Rules 1991 it is not necessary to specify the name of the proprietor ; if the land is not registered the application will be rejected , but if it is registered the receipt of office copies gives the opportunity to check the charges register for mortgages .
5 The rottenness of this short-sighted attitude , which is shown by both sides of industry , has begun to change , and is being replaced by a growing realization that a great trading nation is not owed a living by the rest of the world ; rather , it has to earn it .
6 Most instruction is given during school hours on a rota system so that the same class is not missed every week .
7 Where the constable is not authorised the defendant could have allowed the constable to carry out the inspection .
8 If it is not viewed the motivation will not be there next time round .
9 Dessert is usually something like a biscuit or small piece of cake or rice pudding or pie and custard ( but dessert is not eaten every night ) .
10 Mr. Stevenson is not gone a week and you all go to pieces !
11 If assistance is not granted the Commissioner may inform the applicant of the reasons for the decision , but is under no obligation to do so .
12 The woman is not given a name herself .
13 Such a person is not given a right of appeal to the Appeal Tribunal .
14 The reference to " or " such other risks should be amended to " and in addition to the foregoing " in order to make it clear that the landlord is not given the choice which of the stated risks it may choose to insure against — perhaps an obvious point but one worth making .
15 His ability to tell you how he sees things and then show you how he sees things , with the use of film , leaves the viewer wondering why he is not given the whole Without Walls slot .
16 These experiments generally show that there is discrimination against black people in the sense that the black actor is not given the job , or is told that it is filled , while the similarly qualified white actor is given the job .
17 And if this is not done the repair bill will escalate dramatically .
18 Old Trafford is not called a theatre of dreams for nothing .
19 The crisis centre is not called a crisis centre for nothing .
20 There may be an advantage in laying down a procedure where the application is novel , and/or the parties believe that a particular approach is necessary and that if it is not stipulated an expert is likely to follow some other undesired procedure .
21 If this is not achieved every project leader rapidly convinces himself that his project is being deprived of resources in order to benefit others favoured by the department manager .
22 If this structure is not generated the patient will be left with a collection of content words but no argument structure in which to insert them .
23 Because teachers often can not answer the question of why they teach as they do and because they refer to statements such as that they just know what to do or have a feeling or sense about what to do , it has been suggested that what guides teachers in making sense of their work and what commits them to action is a mixture of " personal knowledge , tacit knowledge , routine knowledge … when conscious thought is not permitted the time to percolate and inform practice " ( Simons and Elliott 1989 ) .
24 If this is not established the tribunal would have no power to act .
25 If he is not groomed the way he likes ( he 's ultra-ticklish ) , he wrinkles one nostril .
26 In the event that the outbound flight is not used the person concerned will not be allowed to return on the inbound charter flight .
27 Women 's experiences are marginalised so that their unemployment is not considered a problem or worthy of comprehensive social policy responses .
28 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
29 On the other hand , it is obvious from the appointments made that the strength of a candidate 's convictions , including his political opinions , is not considered a disadvantage .
30 For instance , sexual promiscuity is a sin according to the Bible , but it is not considered a sin by a sexually promiscuous society .
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