Example sentences of "[is] [to-vb] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , we need to consider what problems might arise and make provision accordingly , accepting that such provision should be very flexible if it is to cope with the range of need presented by the disabled .
2 The reason that that B one insertion has been made is to cope with the use classes order change .
3 We can not afford to have failures in a health system which needs to use every hospital and every health care worker if it is to cope with the demands of the twenty first century .
4 All you have to do is to go with the flow of events , letting each scene add to what has gone before .
5 No action need be taken where the allowance is to remain with the husband and whatever arrangement is chosen will apply for future tax years until the allocation is changed .
6 One of the main tasks of this Committee is to liaise with the Architects ' Council of Europe ( ACE ) .
7 One of BSSO 's major functions is to liaise with the Security Service ( MI5 ) , which is particularly active in trying to stop IRA terrorism on the Continent and in mainland Britain .
8 The first step for the governing body which is taking local management seriously is to work with the head and staff in identifying the school 's aims and objectives .
9 ‘ We have not yet announced legal steps and our inclination is to work with the system , if we can .
10 The way to teach them is to work with the behaviours they show naturally ; like moths , they are for instance attracted by light , but find the fruit on which they feed primarily by smell .
11 The first duty of the Government is to work with the people to ensure security and freedom from fear for the people .
12 The general procedure , however , is to work with the dog over a period of time , ensuring a non-conflict situation so as to overcome its fears .
13 The ICC is to work with the UN Environment Programme on exploring means of assessing companies ' compliance with the Charter 's aims .
14 Keith , 48 , right , is to tour with the Winos to promote their album , Main Offender .
15 For avid fans of the movies my advice is to stick with The Empire Strikes Back .
16 ( 6 ) If the offer is conditional ( which it invariably is ) the offeror should have every reason to believe that the conditions will be satisfied if he is to comply with the terms of Rule 2.5(a). ( 7 ) The board of the target company is entitled to be satisfied that the offeror is , or will be , in a position to implement the offer in full ( Rule 1(c) ) .
17 Such a wide discretion must be exercised fairly if it is to comply with the requirements of natural justice .
18 There are any number of things that could go wrong and the only way to discover them is to discuss with the parents exactly what they did .
19 A favourite device of Borges , for example , is to toy with the reader by sprinkling his fictions with references to real people and places , a technique used to good effect in ‘ Tlön , Uqbar , Orbis Tertius ’ , whose realistic trappings lend credibility to the story of a non-existent world which is the reverse of our own , while the fictional world in its turn calls into question the reality of the one in which we live .
20 Relative to the matter in hand I take it to mean that it is to do with the budget er to prepare for this County and do not er to be the irrelevancies of machination in other places .
21 The unpreparedness is to do with the untimeliness not with the suddenness .
22 The explanation is to do with the influence on one another of the communicating classes — the people who practise politics , write about it in the higher journalism , and put it on the screen .
23 The imaginary aspect of ideology is to do with the relationship between individuals and real conditions .
24 The question we have to decide is to do with the limits of our responsibilities in the work we undertake to meet special educational needs .
25 The second point that could cause confusion on the printouts is to do with the way in which stitches are to be cast on or off , increased or decreased and so on .
26 Yes well the reason for that was the erm the name is to do with the way we commercially market the product .
27 The reason this occurs is to do with the way Word handles files .
28 Oh they , they say it 's all controllable so that I 've , I 've answered , I have n't just let the Environmental Health wash over me I 've actually written back to them again , er I 'll be interested to see whether I get a letter back from them , but I phoned up the Council this morning and they 're rejecting on two grounds , one is to do with the highway and the sort of the traffic situation coming in there , although the , the authority , the Highway Department are n't objecting to it and the other one is erm , on local environmental issues I think you know that is , is unsuitably , unsuitable environmentally to the area well I can only say that I 'm grateful to the planning , to the planning offices for they 're going out on a limb if you like because I think they 're on thin ice erm and so long as the committee will , will back them up I mean I do n't know of what else I could of done as a person
29 I just wan na refer to item one which is to do with the Synod .
30 However , this motion is to do with the election .
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