Example sentences of "[is] [to-vb] [subord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The different dimensions of bureaucracy need to be specified if the object of the exercise is to see whether a state with corporatist features has developed distinctive administrative qualities .
2 The first move , therefore , is to see whether the level of the available lighting can be improved without making any radical changes .
3 The jury 's task is to see whether the duty arose on the facts .
4 The idea is to see if the terms on which bargainers settle can be influenced by such cues .
5 The important point is to diagnose whether the short-fall is due to internal causes or external pressures .
6 All the pilot can do is to signal if the launch is too fast or abandon the launch if it is to slow .
7 The program 's task , given a diagram like that of Figure 2 , is to discover whether the arrangements of blocks depicted is stable , — if it is not — to predict the movements ( falling , sliding , motion ended by contact with another block ) and the final state of various blocks .
8 The key to almost all the page makeup software problems is to discover whether the program supports a page description language .
9 The purpose of the investigation is to establish whether the authority should make an application for a court order or exercise any other powers it may have under the Act ( s47(3) ( a ) ) .
10 In general , the rule with haggling is to do as the locals do , taking particular care not to beat down those who are selling items they have made themselves .
11 It is to stress than no piece of research , no matter how expensive or extensive , stands alone but becomes part of a corpus that is argued over , debated , used , criticised , ignored , reviewed , assessed , discarded , used as the basis for further research , and more .
12 If the object is to determine whether a puritan spirituality was conducive to scientific activity , it would surely be necessary to take into account the far larger body of puritans who were not so enthralled by the book of nature .
13 It is not stated who is to determine whether the conditions have been observed , or what is to be the consequence of subsequent non-observance .
14 This Fel test is to determine whether the Ghosts accept the adventurers ' intentions , or whether they remain unhappy about them .
15 The objective of this report is to assess whether an experience with 25 patients justifies further development of the apparatus , and a move to a phase III trial .
16 Your principal task is to decide whether a package is fit for the purpose intended .
17 The clearer a goal is , the easier it is to decide whether the goal is attainable , and if it is attainable , how you would go about achieving it .
18 ‘ What we have to do , ’ said Samuel , taking advantage of her exit from the ring , ‘ and I take it no one objects if I now chair this committee , ’ he added off-handedly , ‘ is to decide whether the Week of the Lion should continue or be cancelled . ’
19 In the case of bivariate regression ( when only two variables are involved ) , one objective of the regression analysis is to learn whether the variable of concern ( i.e. the dependent variable ) , for instance birth weight , does depend on another variable ( i.e. the independent variable ) , say , on maternal age and , if so , what is the nature of the relationship .
20 One way is to check whether a consultancy has its own guidelines , aims and objectives for the audits it is offering .
21 The message for visiting climbers is to check whether a bolt is still in place if you are repeating a route where a placement is mentioned in the description .
22 For instance one can readily see how insects adapt themselves to many environments but the larger the animal the less likely it is to survive if the environment drastically changes .
23 Indeed , the fashion in many quarters is to ponder whether the West possesses the discipline and finesse to ‘ manage ’ the USSR 's decline — or perhaps accelerate it .
24 The first is to ascertain whether the individual wishes to talk about sexual activity .
25 One way of interpreting this is to ascertain whether the student was in halls or rented accommodation which was only available during term time .
26 It is not clear what is to happen if the governors and the local education authority differ as to the suitability of the policy adopted by the governors .
27 The draftsman of a clause linking the subrent to the headrent must make it clear what is to happen if the head landlord does not exercise his right to a rent under the headlease , or if the headlease is surrendered .
28 What does remain to be done ( although in an ideal world it will already have been settled ) is to record the terms upon which the members have entered into their partnership , and ironically that will involve particular consideration of what is to happen when the partnership comes to an end .
29 The best rule of thumb is to ask whether the data element has information about it , in other words does it have attributes ?
30 The next question is to ask if the gaps are primarily due to differences in project characteristics .
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