Example sentences of "[is] [v-ing] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Painting is drawing at the same time , ’ Mauve had told him .
2 ‘ Even the moon 's blushing at the horrible way they treat ponies , ’ she snarled .
3 This is occurring at the same time as the Commission is using the single market as an excuse to augment its power for political means .
4 I think we need another war to get rid of the er get rid of some of the thing that 's happening at the present day .
5 So it promises to bridge the gap that still in fact exists in many if not most organizations between what happens at the local and individual level and what 's happening at the corporate level .
6 Stay in touch with what is happening at the Grand Theatre — all the news on shows , performers and future plans .
7 Tell the candidate what is happening at the next stage in the selection and/or the date when you will be letting people know your decision .
8 Eastern Europe is knocking at the European Community 's door .
9 are back in this country , but Louisa has gone off and is erm , got a job with C B S , she 's driving at the Olympic Games .
10 What I think my colleague is saying is that when the actuary is assessing the commitments of the funds , he is looking at the anticipated increased earnings until the person retires and I think when the calculation is made for somebody who is er a deferred pensioner of leaving er a pension fund to take his money elsewhere a similar calculation or the same calculation should be used , the one that the actuary last used in , in looking forward and saying what the commitments are .
11 Tibet 's cries are unlikely in themselves to influence the president one way or another ; he is looking at the broad picture of conditions throughout China .
12 But the thing is looking at the actual price of the er thing that you 're having of the hamper .
13 She is conscious of the fact that the Arts Council is looking at the entire range of dance companies which it supports , and that funds will be concentrated on those which seem to have the most positive artistic policy .
14 He added : ‘ Everyone is looking at the British Lions tour and it would be nice if Wales had two full-backs in the party . ’
15 And again that 's looking at the same time in nineteen seventy se seventy seven , seventy eight time , it 's looking back into that er er driveway , and if you can remember the sort of the Victorian or Edwardian er photograph that er I showed you before , of er virtually that er that view .
16 So it 's looking at the very beginning bit of childhood .
17 When a motor is operating at the highest speeds the current in each phase may not even reach its rated value before the excitation interval finishes and the phase is turned off .
18 Obviously positive inflation may remain a feature of this hypothetical economy even if it is operating at the natural unemployment rate ( i.e. owing to the persistence of inflationary expectations .
19 He helped her out when her father 's meeting at the Black Friar was raised .
20 A rating of 4 would mean that the driver is going at the correct speed for the conditions . ’
21 Hercule Poirot is staying at the Majestic Hotel in St Loo , Cornwall .
22 She is staying at the same Gasthaus as you .
23 The reason why there is no increase in output is that the typical supplier has correctly realized that the price on his island is rising at the same rate as the average level of prices , and there has therefore been no change in his relative price and so no incentive to raise output above its natural level .
24 The board is travelling at the necessary high speed and the sailor 's weight is starting to bank the board into the turn .
25 A copy is coming at the relevant bit er for those who do n't have it .
26 And that new show , ’ Oscar ’ , is running at the Old Fire Station Theatre in Oxford until July the 4th .
27 Often the hypertext system is running at the same time as other systems , exchanging documents dynamically with them .
28 You know you can hear everyone talking at the same it 's recording at the same time you can hear everyone talking like sort of really clearly .
29 If Marie Gibbs ' time course was right , I should expect to find a sequence of cellular changes in left and perhaps right IMHV and/ or LPO , associated with the several phases of memory formation , in the minutes to hours following the bird 's pecking at the bitter bead .
30 ‘ Monet in the '90s ’ is showing at The Royal Academy , 7 September to 9 December .
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