Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] on [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Paper which has previously been dampened is placed on top of the plate and then felt blankets over all , the whole is rolled through the press between the heavy rollers .
2 The actual rate of completion per annum over the last 27 years has been less than one half of one percent … thus even at several times the projected rate of progress , the great bulk of the conservation task will be incomplete at a time when the most vigorous additional demand is placed on land from massive upsurge of population .
3 Special emphasis is placed on communication throughout the book , and there are many examples of nurse-patient therapeutic dialogues .
4 It is encouraging that a great deal of emphasis is placed on aspects of plan preparation , whether this be the research or the surveying , since knowing your facts is vital before organising action .
5 Emphasis is placed on reciprocity in the sense that leaders listen to the wishes of all group members whereupon group activity is designed to reflect the consensus .
6 But the report concluded that undue emphasis is placed on inquiries about research experience in the mistaken belief that it is easier to assess a candidate 's research abilities .
7 A heavy responsibility is placed on staff in a home offering twenty-four hour care .
8 The transient nature of the binding may be because this sequence is recognized on account of its structure without additional hydrogen bonding contacts .
9 A VIOLENT gun-toting movie character is joined on screen by his biggest teenage fan , who teaches his idol how to be nice .
10 I pile the CDs on top of the tapes which balance on my redundant vinyl collection that 's heaped on top of the ancient 78s I 've had for years . ’
11 This appropriation of European humanism was generous in a way inseparable from its shamelessness : the final manifesto of The Wretched of the Earth makes it clear that the vision for a new humanity which emerges from the appropriation is undertaken on behalf of Europe as well as the Third World .
12 It is undertaken on behalf of the Committee by Research Services Limited , a company with considerable experience in the research field .
13 I , I do n't think we 're taking away the Planning and Environment Committee 's delegated powers , we 're merely trying to ensure the policy and resources committee is consulted on proposals for conversion of residential accommodation , for the , oh I will say the moral reasons that Mr outlined , I would n't really disagree with what he said .
14 I appreciate that this purpose may not be served if consent is given on behalf of , rather than by , the patient .
15 If the order is unopposed it is deemed on introduction into the First House to have passed the committee stage and so the procedure is quite short ; it is repeated in the Second House .
16 Whereas in breast and cervical cancer active treatment is instituted on detection of the disease , it is argued that screening would not be appropriate in localised prostatic cancer because no treatment is often the option chosen .
17 More gloomy news is expected on Thursday from oil group BP .
18 It is perched on top of a rock just off the Normandy coast and is connected to the mainland by a causeway ( 435 ) .
19 This unidimensionality is imposed on history by a backward projection of present-day standard phonology on to the past , and according to the theory of language standardization that we have tentatively advanced elsewhere ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) , it can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical forms are argued for and unorthodox forms rejected .
20 He has been goaded by the obstacles to expansion and the punishing VAT rate of 18.6 per cent that is imposed on imports in his own country .
21 First , a charge to capital gains tax is imposed on export of a UK resident trust .
22 Lily Netsova , the Bulgarian Press attache in Britain , says the village of Veliko Turnovo is built on terraces across the slopes of a mountain .
23 A forfeiture order should be on Form N 27 , or where the property or part of it consists of premises subject to the Rent Acts on Form N 27(1) or ( 2 ) , or if the order is made on breach of covenant , other than covenant to pay rent , on Form N 27 adapted .
24 Each headstone is 32in high and of uniform appearance ( no distinction is made on account of military or civil rank , race or creed ) .
25 In a simple sale of the whole of a seller 's property , the title to which is registered , the form of transfer of whole will apply ; it 's so simple that commonly one dictates it " off the cuff " , and the top copy is made on front of Form 19 or Form 19(JP) so that it can be used for that purpose .
26 In making the decision the parents should bear in mind that once any kind of commitment to a religion is made , it is always more difficult for there to be a change of course , even when the commitment is made on behalf of the individual when a helpless baby .
27 The Revenue will regard the above requirements as satisfied by such notices , provided that the information required to be specified is given for each pair of claimant and surrendering companies , and a declaration is made on behalf of each claimant company .
28 Some firms , such as Prudential Assurance , insist that employees indicate that payment is made on behalf of the company .
29 To recover this tax ( VAT ) it is essential that any invoices or bills which exceed £50 indicate that payment is made on behalf of ‘ The Prudential Assurance Company Limited ’ and show separately the amount of VAT included in the gross total .
30 Where a money claim is made on behalf of a person under disability , the approval of the court is required to any settlement , compromise , or payment into court .
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