Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [that] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is recognized that other tasks may well tap other aspects of plural reference .
2 It is recognized that any programme of improving information management will cost money , in the form of staff and equipment , but any money spent will result in opening up the wealth of our information resources to larger numbers of people .
3 Thus although it is recognized that regulatory agencies can influence behaviour , it is also true that the framework on to which they impose constraints is not the same regardless of the underlying institutional structure .
4 In order to communicate between data bases of differing structures it is recognized that some expansion of the file is necessary .
5 However , it is recognized that some processes , such as the production of output for proofing or to magnetic tape , may be executed in a background mode to optimize the use of system resources .
6 From 1 January 1993 , it is intended that all members engaging in public practice , whether retired , semi-retired or in full-time employment , will be subject to the requirement to hold a practising certificate and consequently to comply with the PII Regulations ( p 151 ) .
7 When this system is in use it is intended that all members of the design team will be allowed to view and manipulate some of the filed data , but not necessarily all of it .
8 The identity of each years show lies with the selector , in this way it is intended that each exhibition will be significantly different in terms of art practise , medium and ways of thinking .
9 Following the success of the first Alumni Teachers ' Meeting at the University 's Schools ' Open Day , it is intended that such meetings will become a regular event .
10 It is intended that interim findings will be reported for discussion in venture groups , the results of which will then be integrated into the final report .
11 It is intended that this system , which will presumably be the basis for pool allocations for some years to come , will be refined during the next few years as it works out in practice .
12 It is intended that this pilot research will develop a standardised set of procedures with which the investigation can be extended over the remaining Ulster counties which subsequently formed Northern Ireland .
13 We should be grateful for your advice on whether this is a loophole which is likely to be quickly closed or whether it is intended that this type of business should benefit in this way .
14 Two officers whose term of secondment came to an end in the course of the year were replaced by promotions from within the Library 's staff , and it is intended that this pattern should continue when the remaining officer returns to the Scottish Office in due course .
15 These are usually agreed jointly by the Countryside Commission and local authorities , and it is intended that strict development control should be applied within them .
16 It is intended that these principles are not seen purely as constrictive rules , but as a guide to promote the positive development of Scottish rock climbing to ensure that sports climbing , rather than becoming a substitute for the traditional climbing , grows alongside it .
17 It is intended that these articles should be in addition to current missionary writing which appears in the magazine each month .
18 Subject to availability of these resources , it is intended that these unit specifications would be available by June 1990 .
19 It is intended that more trains will be run and the season extended in order to increase business revenue from all possible sources .
20 Specially trained BT staff will also be on hand to advise those who are suffering from nuisance calls , and it is intended that self-help groups will be set up by people who have been victims themselves .
21 Indeed , this was the very reason that the Departmental Committee on the Treatment of Young Offenders had recommended , in 1927 , the reform of the system : ‘ When it is realised that these courts are specially equipped to help rather than punish the young offender , we hope that the reluctance to bring such children before will disappear . ’
22 The Group 's objectives and research strategy imply a continuously evolving work programme whose content may change as it is realised that particular issues ( or faults in past analyses ) are of more or less central importance .
23 It is hypothesised that many children do not assimilate the link between the pre-requisite experiences and the generalisation which follows , as for example in the finding of the area of a rectangle by counting squares and the presentation of a formula which generalises the results .
24 Although this seems equitable , it is claimed that imputed income is not an everyday concept so that the tax of income that is not a money flow would be politically unpopular as it would have to be paid from the working partner 's income .
25 Interestingly , it is claimed that higher overall returns can be gained from sylvopastoral systems involving poultry than from either conventional free range poultry keeping or farm forestry .
26 It is claimed that economic power is constrained by the competitive market .
27 It is claimed that such systems satisfy heating requirements at a reasonable cost .
28 It is claimed that new subjects can frequently be accommodated without addition to the scheme , by a judicious deployment of existing facets .
29 It is claimed that one litre should support no less than 50 fish of one foot or less with its surface area of 800 square metres .
30 For example in aerospace it is claimed that European collaboration allows advanced research to be undertaken which would be too expensive on a national basis .
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