Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it could also mean the even more staggering truth that the saints are God 's inheritance , and pose the question to what extent he-is allowed the freehold of that inheritance which is our lives .
2 Later the trade unions Turk-Is and the Genel Maden-Is challenged the version of events which referred to a sudden surge in the level of methane gas and said that human negligence was probably responsible .
3 But in one of those reeds is hidden a girl on whom the starry sky would gaze with smiles , for she is the most beautiful creature on the whole round of the earth . "
4 Somewhere in the temple is hidden the Stone of Fate , a fabulous jewel stolen from an Aztec city many centuries ago .
5 In classification schemes each subject is assigned a piece of notation , the usual objective being to place a subject within a context with respect to other subjects .
6 ‘ If your horse wins and is placed a couple of times you still lose and that is ridiculous .
7 The principle of ‘ rolling readjustment ’ is simply one of adjustment whereby the actual amount spent by an authority is checked a number of times in the course of the year against the claim made by the authority and its funding amended accordingly .
8 Nor is the fact that a document is biased a reason for dismissing the document as worthless or unreliable .
9 An alternative procedure which appears to be acceptable to HM Land Registry is to apply for office copies of the registered title ( Form 109 ) ; this incurs the same fee ( £8 ) as an index map search , and following the Land Registration ( Open Register ) Rules 1991 it is not necessary to specify the name of the proprietor ; if the land is not registered the application will be rejected , but if it is registered the receipt of office copies gives the opportunity to check the charges register for mortgages .
10 In early February , Sotheby 's received a letter from A. Schuttwolf , paintings curator at Gotha , who noted that there was no possibility of them buying the Wtewael , and that the painting could proceed to sale .
11 After all Woodworker is filled every month with pictures of other people 's work which looks perfectly all right , each a masterpiece in its own right .
12 When the undergravel is matured the flow through it will be reduced a little and a small internal power filter added , to give a ‘ belt and braces ’ filtration system .
13 In addition to the process of education and a negotiated programme for overcoming the chosen difficulty , the client is taught a number of specific skills which will assist them to combat and overcome their feelings of anxiety .
14 With the chronic shortage of donor organs a dilemma faces the physician who is referred a patient with terminal heart failure with or without secondary end organ damage who requires intensive support in hospital .
15 But when a group is formed the whole of this intolerance vanishes , temporarily or permanently , within the group .
16 Once iron is formed the limit of fusion is reached — no further energy can be liberated from it .
17 ‘ Jane Cartwright 's broken a leg on those idiotic steps .
18 ‘ But the Society 's broken the back of the tradition over the years .
19 ‘ But it 's taught a lot of young people what enterprise comes down to today .
20 He 's taught a lot of people so much ’ .
21 I detest Picasso 's farsightedness when he declared : ‘ On my death , it will be like a shipwreck , and when a large ship is wrecked a lot of people go down with it ’ .
22 At Loch Laidon , which lies in Rannoch Moor National Nature Reserve , the whole catchment is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest .
23 ‘ But this is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty . ’
24 Almost all of West Dorset 's 417 square miles is designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty .
25 The Wye Valley is designated an area of outstanding natural beauty .
26 Put as simply as possible the hypothesis is : — From the start of life up to a certain time which is designated the Dawn of Civilisation , ‘ goodness ’ was being created from one source only , that source being the endless stream of infinitely small but favourable evolutionary changes or events , producing an infinite number of minute units of what , by virtue of its favourable nature , has been termed ‘ goodness ’ , the outcome of each favourable event being regarded as one unit .
27 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be meeting the teenager who 's joined the elite in the world of magic .
28 ‘ I bet that 's cheered a lot of old dears up , ’ he said .
29 The present text , his first novel , strikes me as amusing , irritating , and impressive in about equal degrees , and for all I know it might well have been composed rather than written ; certainly it seems to have been constructed in 64 chapters based on the hexagrams of the I Ching — it is subtitled A Novel of Changes , in case anyone should miss this — with frequent references to Marco Polo 's own writings , in Ronald Latham 's Penguin translation .
30 It is important to remember that the late Dr. Schumacher 's book Small is Beautiful is subtitled A study of Economics as if People Mattered .
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