Example sentences of "[is] [adv] call the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The transfer of ownership to the co-operative in 1988 has resulted in one of the most conspicuous restorations within what is flexibly called the Old Town of Edinburgh .
2 Ross 's view that duty is not totally determined by consequences is usually called the deontic position , and is contrasted with consequentialist positions of which hedonistic and ideal utilitarianism are the chief examples .
3 The growth of what is usually called the middle class has largely been the result of the increasing amount of white-collar work .
4 This is also called the molecular formula .
5 Once again the Italian School is represented by the largest number , fifty-one ; there are no additional Spanish drawings ; the British School has increased by two , the Flemish by eight , the Dutch by twenty-three , the French by twenty-nine , but the surprise is the rapid expansion of what is now called the Central European School , comprising German , Swiss and Prague Schools , of which there are twenty-nine compared with the fifteen published in the first volume .
6 He explained the British problem to the Germans by saying that the British people had been lied to — they had not been told the truth about what used to be called the Common Market and is now called the European Community .
7 The major portion of the consumption of energy over the past 100 years has been due to the industrialisation of what is now called the Developed World .
8 Britain is now called the dirty man of Europe because of our government 's lack of care for the environment .
9 Government grant is distributed through a mechanism which is now called the standard spending assessment , an awful word , or phrase , but it is absolutely vital , and if you look at the standard spending assessment given to this county the government is saying we ought to be able to provide all the services for a total cost of eight hundred and seventy nine pounds per charge payer .
10 The first band of earnings attracting this contribution should run up to what is now called the lower earnings limit .
11 This process is begun more explicitly in Barthes 's S/Z which in its change of direction opens what is now called the post-structuralist era and marks the end of the so-called classical or scientific period of structuralism .
12 Lavenham is often called the finest medieval village in England .
13 The yellow-green cone is also sensitive to the red part of the spectrum , and so is often called the red cone .
14 It should be pointed out , however , that other definitions of strain will be met with in the literature , most notably , is often called the true strain , while an expression arising from the kinetic theory of elasticity has the form
15 This is often called the attitudinal function of intonation .
16 This is sometimes called the molar interpretation .
17 The principle of conservation of energy is sometimes called the First Law of Thermodynamics .
18 In recent years there have been many attacks on what is sometimes called the classic realist novel on similar grounds : that far from being a means of communication it is a means of ideological domination and repression , reproducing on the cultural level the processes of industrial capitalism , making its audience passive consumers , reconciling them to their alienated state instead of liberating them from it , by making it appear normal or natural .
19 The Tiebout model is sometimes called the invisible foot : people will cluster together in the area providing the package of spending and taxes they want .
20 M0 is sometimes called the wide monetary base as it includes those assets that are , or could be , used as cash reserves by the banking system .
21 Since the assumptions we have made are the same as those in the simple Keynesian model and the Keynesian theory of money , the IS-LM model derived above is sometimes called the general Keynesian model .
22 This is sometimes called the molecular interpretation .
23 It is sometimes called the Danish Gorgonzola , although the veining is greenish in colour and the paste is very yellow .
24 The zoogeographical area that surrounds this line is sometimes called the Wallacean sub-region .
25 This term is sometimes called the external energy .
26 It is sometimes called the Total Period Fertility Rate ( TPFR ) or Total Fertility Ratio or Index , as it is not strictly a ‘ rate ’ .
27 ( The rate of return on an additional investment is sometimes called the marginal efficiency of investment or MEI . )
28 The ‘ something else ’ that happens in meetings is sometimes called the informal structure and it is about the politics of decision-making .
29 So it 's sometimes called the Scottish or Irish tonsure .
30 These centuries were the age of what is commonly called the feudal society .
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