Example sentences of "[is] [adv] in a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a sense and a I 'm not sure if it 's only in a sense , that , that when we talk now of say are n't we trying to approach the same ?
2 She 's only in a bedsit .
3 An individual in doubt about his/her true nature is constantly in a state of distress . ’
4 He 's obviously in a mess at the moment .
5 However an agent often holds no money or property for his principal unlike a trustee ; if he does receive money from or for his principal he is merely in a position of debtor to his principal in respect of it and if he receives goods he may hold them as bailee only ( see Lister v Stubbs [ 1890 ] 45 Ch 1 ) .
6 But his principal concern is to affirm that the relationship of A to B is only in a minority of cases an exact repetition , or a saying of the same thing in different words .
7 Furthermore , since ethics is an empirical and historical discipline and since it is only in a democracy that all citizens participate equally , Dewey argued that the realization of each individual 's ethical potential can only occur within a democracy .
8 The investigator can , of course , exercise full control over the nature of these materials , and is thus in a position to elicit whatever information he needs .
9 The surface of a liquid is thus in a state of tension — it is always trying to contract .
10 This is just in a courtyard and there 'll be shrubs and things so she 's got
11 The British legal system is already in a bit of a sorry state but this is only part of the story because we are faced with a creaking Government bureaucracy that has often been shown by the Higher Courts to be acting in an illegal and unfair manner .
12 Then he gets low and is already in a state of anxiety which tends to make him make poor judgements .
13 ‘ T is already in a state of uproar , ready for that ambitious husband of hers to pluck it like an over-ripe plum , rotting and falling from the tree , and — ’
14 To them , the pound is already in a straitjacket .
15 ‘ Now Jason 's just in a state of shock .
16 I 'd ordered champagne and flowers because a honeymoon is once in a lifetime but we ended up carrying our own luggage in pitch darkness across a car park and up a huge flight of stairs .
17 on the other hand , a school with a high rate of staff turnover can not usually afford to wait for a consensus and readiness that may never come ; and a staff hand-picked in a new school , or for a new school situation such as amalgamation or unstreaming , is usually in a mood for bigger adventures .
18 One is always in a state of learning — if you stop learning it 's hopeless , I feel .
19 You will no doubt have been assisting her in basic matters connected with the running of her home while she is still in a state of shock following her husband 's death , for at this point even the most capable women sometimes find day-to-day planning and decision-making very hard to cope with and need to be eased gently back into their normal routine .
20 ‘ She is still in a state of shock , which is not surprising , it was a terrible ordeal . ’
21 Out of Herodotus 's attempt to distinguish truth from myth arose our own codification of discursive types , but in his text this structure is still in a state of flux .
22 I think my mum is still in a state of shock after I told her about my Irish selection . ’
23 If the access to your front door is difficult , perhaps with steps , you may need to have a ramp made , if the patient is still in a wheelchair .
24 She was in hospital for a month and is still in a wheelchair .
25 It is important to realise though , that antiquarian as Tolkien 's motives often were , and ‘ pre-scientific ’ as the opinions of Galadriel and Solomon seem , what Tolkien was writing about is still in a way a live issue .
26 In any case , this mode of composition is still in a fluid state , and no textbook seems to exist which one can regard as completely authoritative .
27 Rawnsley is cheeky about Kinnock , Major and poor Ashdown , while David McKie writes , in a magisterial preface , ‘ This is still in a sense a watershed election . ’
28 To ensure that long-term , the Stafford-based company is still in a position to win business from those industries investing most in automation , it is reorganising its structure to become more market-focussed .
29 Lear is now experiencing the truth of La Rochefoucauld 's maxim that ‘ So long as a man is still in a position to help others he will rarely encounter ingratitude . ’
30 And they did it for 20-year-old centre-half Darren Salton , who is still in a coma and on a life support machine after Thursday 's road crash in which Paul Telfer was also injured .
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