Example sentences of "[is] [pers pn] who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's you who take the meanings away !
2 We feel it is now right and proper that the debate is to be had and that our roots , our heritage and our future are defended on our terms and in our forums and not in the editorials of Sunday newspapers , and as for les people 's letters to the newspapers , and Kinnock and co saying to people , individual members , why should the Labour Party not trust you with the choice of your candidate , it is you who do the work to get them elected , who are they kidding ?
3 The skill to use them wisely must be learnt by all who would aspire to the role of parents , for it is they who control the future .
4 They confer a right to the ‘ equity ’ in the company and , in so far as members can be said to own the company , the ordinary shareholders are its proprietors , It is they who bear the lion 's share of the risk and they who in good years take the lion 's share of the profits ( after the directors and managers have been remunerated ) .
5 Ironically it is they who have a birth-rate which is falling less quickly , thus ‘ justifying ’ that harassment .
6 The third force is the headteachers , for it is they who have the most decisive influence on what it is or is not safe to do or say in a school .
7 Action is taken against parents , for it is they who carry the burden of ensuring that the child attends school .
8 This may help , since it is they who provide the politicians with the money to run the system .
9 This topic has less attraction for ordinary policemen and women , for although they might take pleasure in thing someone is interested in their views , it is they who run the risks associated with answering questions and from being observed doing their job .
10 ‘ If we want to buy a player , it is us who decide the price . ’
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