Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cholesterol is a natural substance in the blood and is mostly made from the fat in the food we eat , though the body itself is quite capable of making an adequate supply .
2 The impact on MB Group 's balance sheet of acquiring sizeable goodwill in both ABS and Caradon is mostly offset by the issue of $150m US preferred stock and a handy £80m revaluation of its CMB stake to leave pro forma gearing at 24 per cent .
3 This is partly , no doubt , because teacher education in language is mostly tied to the teaching of particular languages , or to other disciplines like psychology or sociology where language is not the central focus .
4 The Threadfin Goldie Nemanthias carberryi is mostly received into the U.K. from shipments originating in The Maldives .
5 The protein is mostly lost during the early stages of sweating and has detergent-like properties .
6 The County is mostly served by the Southern Electricity Board .
7 Here , for once , is a look at the causes and consequences of a bar-room massacre , where the gun-play is fleeting and ketchup is mostly kept in the pantry .
8 It may thus be possible that binding of pou[c] to this motif is mostly directed by the POU HD and perhaps further stabilized by the POU S .
9 It is mostly found in the stronger astringents used for greasy skins .
10 Unfortunately , the majority of energy used in homes is for space heating ( heating the rooms and the people ) and this is mostly needed in the winter when there is not sufficient sunshine in this country for solar energy to be feasible .
11 Sub-littoral is mostly known as the submerged seas over the Continental Shelf ( see diagram ) .
12 The change is strikingly illustrated by the number of surviving political bonds .
13 His Great Tower or ‘ Yellow Tower ’ of Gwent is strikingly positioned outside the castle walls and its strength was almost sufficient to defy Cromwell 's demolition engineers .
14 The operation of the system is strikingly instanced in the secret visit to London of James Butler , Marquess ( later Duke ) of Ormonde [ q.v. ] ,
15 Carmichael states that ‘ the plant is secretly secured in the bodices of the women and in the vests of the men , under the left armpit ’ , while Martin Martin gives an account of a man in Berneray , Harris , who wore it in the neck of his coat to prevent him from seeing visions , and ‘ he never saw any since he first carried that plant about with him ’ .
16 Bentham ( 1748–1832 ) is properly regarded as the founder of utilitarianism .
17 This reassurance is welcome , but it has to be said that the change gives less prominence to this requirement , and we shall need to watch with care that it is properly covered in the assessment arrangements .
18 This is not really a case of excluding the warranties which would otherwise be implied by the relevant legislation , but rather one of making sure that the warranty given is properly tailored to the subject matter of the contract .
19 Check that the UIC is properly defined in the configuration file .
20 The hon. Gentleman knows that we are determined to sustain adult education , to extend it and to ensure that it is properly based in the local community .
21 It is part of your professional obligations to ensure that the full price is properly recorded on the conveyancing documentation , and if any part of it is to remain outstanding , it could always be secured by a loan agreement or indeed by a mortgage back to the seller .
22 Touche Ross has audited this pro-forma and states that it is properly prepared on the basis set out .
23 It is to be hoped that it is properly tackled in the next Budget .
24 It is to be hoped that it is properly tackled in the next Budget .
25 Always ensure that your child is properly restrained in the car on every trip .
26 In either case , always check that the leash is properly attached to the collar .
27 Indeed the major criticism is properly addressed to the advocates of nationalisation , who had given far too little attention to the general question of pricing and investment rules by which the public sector should operate .
28 Chairman &c. this meeting is perfectly satisfied that Mr Vial is properly qualified for the Office of Veterinary Professor in this College .
29 Several share KPMG 's view that ‘ the responsibility paragraphs more logically belong outside the report ’ and that ‘ if an uncertainty is properly disclosed in the accounts , such accounts can present a true and fair view without the auditors having to refer to it … a set of accounts should be complete in itself , without having to read the audit opinion ’ .
30 She added : ‘ It is essential this money is properly spent on the arts , sports and charities . ’
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