Example sentences of "[is] [adv] an [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , an explanation which went back to a biologically grounded disposition could in this case precisely avoid the invocation of rational collective agency , which is rather an intellectualist embarrassment to the story as Hume ( 1738–40 ) tells it .
2 ‘ It 's obviously an emergency case .
3 What most versions have in common , however , is basically an essentialist view of the family as a discrete historical object , usually a biological reality which society acts upon .
4 Alan Milburn , Labour 's prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington said : ‘ People will see that this budget is merely an election bribe and it wo n't wash .
5 Instead it is merely an input distribution system .
6 How sad it is when a believer in his forties or fifties is merely an absentee landlord , living idly off the intellectual rent from the thinking of his student days !
7 ‘ Well , Raoul , remember she is only an opera singer .
8 Similarly , if your problem is one of poor ventilation leading to a steamy or smoke-filled room in which it is difficult to see anything , the solution is obviously an air extractor .
9 You 've shown that you 've moved erm , substantially towards variable debt but there is obviously an outburst currency impact , you said in the first half .
10 For , whereas a user of X-ray crystallography software is generally an X-ray crystallographer , most users of statistical packages are not statisticians .
11 A DOG filter is not an edge detector .
12 It is now believed , however , that χ 1 is not an enthalpy parameter but a free energy parameter and a relation of the form c.f. section 8.8 has improved the correlation .
13 ‘ It is not an admission ticket , one time only .
14 It is not an emergency procedure and needs careful consideration .
15 If it is not an emergency question , you are in time Mr with your question , in case anyone thinks that it was an emergency question was put down
16 ‘ It is not an emergency aid organisation , responding to drought .
17 Television viewers and theatregoers may be familiar with this look , but it is not an ac tor 's trick .
18 Spiritual direction is not an elite alternative , for a guiding relationship is no substitute either for corporate life and learning within the body of Christ or for everyday relationships .
19 For instance , if the searcher seeks documents on ‘ Greenhouses ’ and this is not an index term in the appropriate controlled indexing language , then documents on this topic will be difficult to retrieve directly .
20 It is not an accountancy measure but a way of enabling us to put a figure on all the opportunities we miss and all the things we foul up .
21 An arbitration clause is valid at common law ; it does not operate as an ouster ( Scott v Avery ( 1856 ) 5 HLC 811 — clause excluding the right to bring court proceedings until arbitrators have made award ) and is not an exclusion clause for the purposes of the UCTA 1977 .
22 It must be remembered that a clause which restricts or excludes an obligation or duty is not an exclusion clause for the purposes of s3 .
23 Please note that this is not an access guide .
24 This could be a valid model of the business but it is not an entity model and can not be used to produce the flexible database for the organisation that we require .
25 As I hope I have made clear already , the objectives have to be things which can actually be achieved by advertising — ‘ to increase sales ’ is not an advertising objective , though it is something to which advertising can and should contribute .
26 In all cases , staff should check that the report is not an Investment Advertisement before using the disclaimer below .
27 Unusually , he is not an investment analyst , but a former history teacher .
28 Thus the high percentage of now elderly women who never married is not related to ageing ; it is not an age effect .
29 Erm I do n't have any problem with er with giving people financial incentive , I do have a problem with the concept of er giving people a finesty or a commission or something like that if we 're successful in obtaining in obtaining new work , that is not an fashion view , that is not how a professional office of a professional organisation works .
30 This is not an office block , nor a church — although its sublime form might suggest that its architect was adept at designing cathedrals .
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