Example sentences of "[is] [adv] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In modern times we have come to associate the very word ‘ ecology ’ with a concern for the environment — yet ‘ ecology ’ is properly the name of the science that deals with the ways in which living things interact with one another and with their environment .
2 However , we were not keen for housing benefit to be used in place of housing support for care , which is properly the provision of income support .
3 As the Duke of Montrose commented , ‘ such a list is properly the business of the representative of the shire , who certainly will look to his own interest in that matter ’ .
4 It is rather the kind of causal concomitant of the blow that has wholly to do with internal processes of tissue regeneration .
5 It is rather the development of a portfolio of projects at Bristol which merit investment on sound practical grounds .
6 It is rather the creation of new public spheres in which citizens , including media workers , can play a full role in their community , and in the community of communities . ’
7 Yet at other points the problem is rather the hijacking of the original message , as in the phenomenal lines : ‘ If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today/ He 'd be gunned down cold by the CIA/ Oh the lights that now burn brightest behind stained glass/ Will cast the darkest shadows upon the human heart/ But God did n't build himself that throne/ God does n't live in Israel or Rome/ God does n't belong to the ‘ yankee dollar ’ / God does n't plant the bombs for Hezbollah ’ .
8 The emphasis is rather the effect of the war on an American community ; the final scene , in which survivors sit round a table singing ‘ God Bless America ’ , is crucial , and symbolises the regenerative powers of an America that had survived both Vietnam and Watergate .
9 Their common concern is rather the effect of technological innovation on our thought processes and our ability to communicate .
10 That is presumably the product of what we now know about the Brixton prison escape .
11 The scheme of the 1954 Act is that if the lease is more than six months ( which is presumably the situation in your case ) and the premises are occupied for the purposes of your business , then the lease does not automatically come to an end .
12 Similarly the companion should have no tax liability as it is presumably the disposal of an interest in his/her main residence that gives rise to the receipt of £34,000 .
13 The problem with the International Data Corp figures is that they try to treat Unix workstations as a separate market rather than bundling Unix workstations and Unix servers together , which is presumably the reason for the implied figure for IBM Corp sales of only $558m , where IBM has implied total 1992 RS/6000 business of $2,000m .
14 If children have specific questions to answer , then their reading is given a clear purpose , and purposeful reading is presumably the aim of all teaching of reading .
15 Here the ‘ glory ’ is presumably the stage between long gone youth and death as the poet is at this point on his ‘ deathbed ’ .
16 Although this is convenient for busy human owners , it is too much for the cat to eat at once , unless it is starving — which is rarely the case with well-loved family pets .
17 This is rarely the case with the reviews published in Early music or Gramophone , some of whose reviewers have served as musicological advisers for prominent recording projects both in Europe and in England .
18 Sudden death is rarely the fate of a theory ; a slow ageing to redundancy is the more usual end .
19 all too often produce defensive or even hostile reactions : the more so because there is rarely the opportunity for teachers to discuss the points directly with the inspectors .
20 But theft of clients is the norm in the industry , and is rarely the reason for anyone being sacked .
21 The composition of teams in schools is rarely the result of systematic analysis of functional needs and recruitment by logically derived criteria .
22 However , the job itself , as we have already noted , is rarely the cause of disenchantment with agriculture — indeed , in a decade that has seen a renewed interest in the countryside among young people and a growing desire to escape from the urban rat-race , agriculture could have much to offer .
23 Ovulation is interrupted when weight loss or gain is exaggerated in either direction , and dietary advice is rarely the answer for long-term eating disorders .
24 It 's right the tips of your fingers ?
25 Their authority is contained in the letter of 14 January 1992 which is expressly the consent of the ‘ interim government ’ to being joined as plaintiff .
26 Yes , it 's rather the kind of correspondence one might expect Tod Friendly to go in for : unvarying , humourless and one-way , like junk mail .
27 Not that it 's impossible — indeed , it 's rather the sort of thing Oliver might do — but I 've somehow stopped believing most of what he says .
28 The man in the White House is effectively the leader of the Western world .
29 1.6 It is the Department 's policy that unless the member of staff and manager concerned make a case to the contrary , it will press for charges to be brought against an assailant while recognising that such a decision is wholly the province of the Procurator Fiscal following report by the police ( there being no scope for private criminal prosecution in Scotland ) .
30 It also seems that the work of the Court of Appeal is predominantly the determination of appeals involving review .
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