Example sentences of "[is] [adv] just [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 But having shown how , when it comes to flexibility and speed of response , the small firm can far outdo big business , Euravia is paradoxically just beginning to feel some of the pressures that weigh upon the latter .
2 He grew his first ones as a young child in 1936 and modestly claims he 's only just beginning to get the hang of it now .
3 This aspect of evaluation is only just beginning to receive the attention it deserves .
4 These have to be the finest among American concertos : the Barber is standard repertoire now , but Serenade ( after Plato , ‘ in praise of love ’ ) is only just beginning to emerge as one of Bernstein 's highly select group of masterpieces — about time too .
5 Even Xerox 's Ventura , which is the closest thing yet to TechDoc in a desktop publishing package , is only just beginning to tackle the problem of networking .
6 However , to say this to a country which is only just beginning to enjoy the benefits of industrialisation is not easy .
7 The debate is a profound one and it is only just beginning to reach out to a wider audience .
8 FA Cup Final fever may be dissipating but excitement is only just beginning to mount over plans for a croquet centre of excellence .
9 Trowark style is large , enveloping and extremely cosy with an almost indestructible quality — one five-year-old jumper seen by The Independent is only just beginning to look ‘ broken in ’ after years of frequent machine washing and hard wear .
10 The birch tree outside is only just beginning to look green , but at least it is , I suppose .
11 The retreat movement is only just beginning to establish itself north of the Border and I feel strongly that a quiet space can be of real benefit in today 's hectic and stressful lifestyle . ’ ‘
12 This aspect of his practice is only just beginning to change , but he intends to persevere with it , spurred on by the personal satisfaction he has derived from ‘ seeing them do their maths ’ .
13 They have weathered every kind of financial storm over the centuries and have skills which the public sector is only just beginning to learn .
14 This target looks realistic because Corning is only just starting to reap the rewards of patiently pursuing earlier long-term investments .
15 Coulommiers is a small Brie , eaten very young when the surface mould is only just starting to appear , and Fongeru is similar but ripened in fronds of bracken and very difficult to obtain .
16 But it is not just trying to get the recipient to learn the ad by rote : it is , surely , trying to give information — persuasive information — about the product , so that the consumer will prefer it to its competitors and buy it .
17 The challenge is not just to help to preserve living communities today , but also to preserve a living countryside for the benefit of the future community .
18 Now he 's decided he 's not just going to act , he 's going to make programmes , too .
19 ‘ This snow is n't just going to go away , is it ?
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