Example sentences of "[is] [adv] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its wings were folded when the building collapsed and so the damage is mostly to the wing tips .
2 This exercise is valuable not only to enable the draftsman to produce a set of conditions which is most to the advantage of his client ( whether his client be buyer or seller ) , but also to enable him to understand the motivation of the other side when he is in negotiation with their advisers .
3 639 to ‘ this day ’ , that is , Adomnán 's time of writing , c . 700 , which is some time after the power of the northern Angles beyond the Forth had been shattered at Nechtanesmere in 685 , and the reference is rather to the failure of the kings of Scottish Dál Riata to regain control of Irish Dál Riata in Antrim .
4 The ski lake at the Watermark Club has been described as one of the finest in Europe , and Barry 's sure he 's on to a winner
5 He 's on to the ball before anyone else , but he conserves the energy of his horses . ’
6 Then it 's on to the state of Massachusetts for today 's destination , Boston .
7 Oh and there 's one thing I did n't tell you : Moscow Centre 's on to the pattern .
8 A Government planning inspector commented that site access is on to a road where motorists speed , and the reflected light from so many caravans could distract motorists using the nearby A66 flyover .
9 And for once , the troubled premier is on to a winner .
10 The nouveau hippy thing you see on the surface is down to a trend .
11 In the end , it is down to a person 's individual choice whether to be bad and to commit crime .
12 There is no doubt that Ibanez 's current high profile is down to a marketing policy which borders on genius .
13 He says much of his success is down to the backroom boys .
14 ‘ We are being asked to ensure patients get certain benefits , but surely this is down to the Government , ’ said Mr Richardson .
15 ‘ We are being asked to ensure patients get certain benefits , but surely this is down to the Government , ’ said Mr Richardson .
16 Could you tell me whether the problem is down to the type of speakers employed — maybe producing too soft a sound wave with little strength of travel — and whether I would get better projection through a standard model 1960 Marshall cabinet rated at 300 watts RMS ?
17 Choice of sex and colour is down to the individual .
18 Having children is a life choice that is down to the individual .
19 You know what I mean , that is down to the individual really is that er that they should actually find out and i , that needs to be highlighted to all
20 I know no England bowlers swing an old ball in the way Waqar and I do , but that is down to the way we grip it .
21 The apparent discrepancy is down to the way IDC defines the workstation market .
22 ‘ I 'm aware that the engine note from his car is different to the other two Subarus but that is down to the exhaust system — nothing more .
23 PERHAPS THE SHAMEN 'S SUCCESS is down to the fact that , even more than in their indie dance days , they are a bundle of productive contradictions .
24 Any impression of calm and harmony is down to the fact that everyone close to the band has obviously passed the Krypton Factor -sponsored How To Tolerate Courtney test .
25 A great deal of this is down to the fact that the sweet spot is in exactly the same position throughout the set .
26 Much of the performance of Windows on any PC is down to the compatibility of the hardware with the operating system , and Windows itself .
27 It is not down to one player or even only Pat Nevin and John Morrissey , it is down to the team . ’
28 Once again , this is down to the importance of songs and the unimportance of ‘ product ’ .
29 I can assure the hon. Member that there is no question of selling out any section of British industry because it is greatly to the advantage of British industry and the British economy that there should be a satisfactory outcome to the present Uruguay round .
30 It is greatly to the credit of the profession that , as viewers , we are not aware of the many techniques which have been used to produce a ‘ natural ’ effect .
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