Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 But maybe it is rather a response to the real threat which we single expatriate women , with all our means and mobility , present to family structures here .
2 The ‘ hystery of the eye ’ is presumably a reference to Bataille 's story ‘ L'Histoire de l'oeil ’ , a story of enucleation , which is , of course in Freudian terms equivalent to castration .
3 Capital investment is rarely a solution to complex problems , and the recurrent cost implications may be detrimental to health ministries that are already over-committed .
4 This is illustrated in developed countries by the increase in unemployment which is fundamentally a failure to properly utilise the total Human Resource .
5 In other words they deny that education is necessarily a means to an end , and argue instead that either the content or the processes of teaching and learning can have intrinsic educational value .
6 Erm , I I think it 's less a problem to be thought that men hate women so much it is alright to be rude about women .
7 However , I am discovering that the church probably not the community but more a communion and that 's perhaps an answer to what Nanette ?
8 It 's obviously an addition to the main structure .
9 This is basically an attempt to group or to classify customers according to similar needs or purchasing characteristics .
10 ‘ It is merely a password to freedom ! ’
11 The separation into sequential categories of response is merely a means to an end .
12 Handling the information held in the system is more important than handling the system , for the system is merely a means to an end .
13 Thus the existence of an alleged defence to a criminal prosecution is merely a matter to be taken into account in the exercise of the court 's discretion when considering whether it is just and convenient that interlocutory relief should be granted ( post , pp. 173D–F , 178H , 179A , 190D–E ) .
14 The time signature is merely a guide to the number of minims , crotchets and quavers there are in a bar .
15 By that age , 51% have been promoted out of clerical work and for them it is merely a stepping-stone to a higher status non-manual job .
16 The medium , for Chester , is merely the means to an end : ‘ When we take over the theatre , we create an atmosphere so charged with positivity that people leave feeling uplifted .
17 It happens all the time — the question is merely an opener to fulfilling a wish to own something new , and merely seeks to confirm that the purchase is a worthy one .
18 The sequence of events in the creation of a bank bill is in Figure 9.4 , and is only a modification to that for commercial bills .
19 This is only a bar to registration if the first mark is registered in respect of " the same goods or description of goods " .
20 THE parents of missing Nicola Payne begged yesterday for news about their daughter — even if it is only a clue to where her body is buried .
21 A summer breeding visitor to most of eastern Europe , it is only a vagrant to Britain .
22 This list is only a means to an end .
23 But the technical side of it is only a means to an end , making sure it 's a really clean sound , without going into too much extra cabling and everything .
24 Nevertheless , responsiveness or sensitivity in such instances is only a means to the end , which is to effect change of some kind .
25 Remember that your primary object as an advocate is to persuade : the citing of cases is only a means to this end .
26 It is only the answers to these questions that can really enable you to judge an ad , although it will certainly be good supporting evidence if the answers to the earlier questions are favourable .
27 Lovely as the peak experience is , it is only the path to the transcendent .
28 A child , after all , knows most of the game … it is only an attitude to it that he lacks .
29 We are not convinced that the attraction of out-of-town shopping is entirely a response to consumer demand .
30 Watford manager Steve Perryman fears a Leeds backlash , but said : ‘ This year we 've taken on Blackburn , Ipswich and Middlesbrough — and beaten them all , which is perhaps a clue to our chances .
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