Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean yeah somebody just retired , cos is down on the now , that 's where is .
2 Evolved in the tropics , most naked of all the apes , man is physiologically among the least likely of all warm-blooded creatures to flourish in polar regions .
3 It is only for the most severe disability class that the majority , 51 per cent , live in some form of institutional care .
4 I must emphasise that this is only for the very good golfer .
5 It is only on the more remote cliffs and islands that they have escaped the degradation of interbreeding with man-manipulated colour forms , and retain the true original plumage .
6 Piaget and Klein also show that it is only through the intrinsically dynamic relationship between the infant and its environment that the subject is able to become itself .
7 It is only through the most tinted of retrospective spectacles that the 1960s can appear as a golden age , and least of all in the deprived areas to which the Report correctly gave so much attention :
8 It is only after the very last entity has been displayed that any quantitative evaluation can be performed .
9 It is only in the very last paragraph that there is a distinctly evangelical position in the Party 's platform .
10 This is so notwithstanding the very strong public interest in preserving the life and health of all citizens .
11 It is not for the squeamish , but equally it is not for the merely despairing .
12 Frustration where it does exist ( for example , in the LWP ) arises where such recognition and trust are withheld : in the fact that equipment , whilst advanced , is not of the very latest , in continued Soviet resistance to independent national frontal commands , and so on .
13 Certainly the deliberate naïveté here is not in the least false , but has the limpid directness of some of the Chinese poems that Pound had marvellously transfigured in Cathay ( 1915 ) .
14 That is to say he is not in the least drawn to the idea that Christ came in the flesh , and he finds the simplicity and literalism of what might be termed ‘ mere Christianity ’ frankly unacceptable .
15 The hall , settled in the lee of two gentle slopes on a narrow road leading westward out of the main street is not in the least unassuming !
16 ‘ He is not in the least like any of Henrietta 's children , but when I see him laugh and run he makes me think of them , being nearer the little one 's age than my Penini .
17 Understandably , Mr Anderson is slightly put out , but he assures me he is not in the least surprised .
18 In print she boasts that she is not in the least attracted by drugs , even scared to touch ‘ ordinary cheerful liquor ’ .
19 The presence of a large predator of fish is not in the least surprising .
20 Our native common holly is not in the least fussy about soil and grows on everything from acid loams to chalk , and species from China and the Himalayas are equally hardy and reliable .
21 In retrospect , it is not in the least surprising that the provision of this space generated all kinds of questions about the nature of the ‘ lesbian and gay community ’ .
22 However , that is not in the least to deny the importance and validity of concatenated pieces of reasoning in which both factual and ethical premisses combine .
23 Alpha is made up of two components of magnitudes 3 and 5 ; the separation is 231 seconds of arc , so that binoculars give a good view of the pair even though it is not in the least prominent .
24 It is just that he will not apply it to future pension rights because he is not in the least interested in defending workers ' pension rights .
25 He is not in the least surprised when Marco kills Eddie .
26 This will be the case quite regularly so that it is not in the least surprising if in many instances general expectations have crystallized into rigid habits ( which might be called syntactic " rules " ) governing the possibilities open to an adjective as a type item , irrespective of the facts of any particular token occasion .
27 He also justified the £90,000 initial payment made to Mr Michels : ‘ When a plc — and one widely understood to have at least some problems — needs to attract a high-flier from a perfectly secure position with another plc , a joining fee of this sort is not in the least unusual . ’
28 In this respect , the discourse analyst is not in the apparently secure position of the formal linguist who has ‘ rules ’ of the language which are or are not satisfied , but rather , is in the position of the hearer who has interpretations of the discourse which do , or do not , make sense .
29 And anything that 's not on the up and up is , well I think it 's detrimental to a mans life .
30 But I so need to be walking up the stairs and pushing open the studio door , and seeing him at his bench , looking over his shoulder at me , as if he 's not in the least interested to see who it is .
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