Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] for that " in BNC.

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1 [ Richard Long 's ] forms , the marks , the accidental decantations of sensitive strolls , do not possess the ‘ imperfection ’ of the natural , they are the archetypes of human sublimation that deliberately establish a certain landscape counterpoint , a kind of megalithic writing , but their elaboration is so cared for that it tends towards a dialectic not of oppositions but of alliances .
2 Although such will does not defeat the claim of the other spouse under the provisions of the Inheritance ( Provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , if reasonable provision is not made for that spouse , it might be of " persuasive " use to the court in proceedings under that Act in deciding whether or not to award the surviving spouse a limited interest ( eg until remarriage ) or an absolute interest in the deceased 's share of the matrimonial home .
3 If that real convergence is to be achieved , it will be necessary for the Community and member states to have worked out , and agreed to implement , regional and structural policies that — in the words of the draft treaty — ’ promote balanced development ’ ; but the Prime Minister is not negotiating for that either .
4 The Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1976 is not designed for that purpose and it is dubious whether it could be used in that way .
5 Similarly , in an extended theme , there will usually be one supreme climax , and once again the highest note is best reserved for that point .
6 I 'm sure he wo n't mind me mentioning the fact , but as far as I know Graham Marsden is still waiting for that elusive ’ two ’ , not that he has n't had his share of big roach , it 's just that the needle of his scales apparently aggravatingly always sticks at around 1lb 15oz !
7 After the worst year on record for cruelty to sheep and cattle — the RSPCA is now campaigning for that loophole to be closed .
8 Somehow one is n't prepared for that kind of situation …
9 We shall here use adjectival position to mean any construction which has the function of realizing some distinct pattern of intensional relations , and which meets the following criteria : ( a ) It contains an adjective as one of its elements ; ( b ) It is minimally extended for that adjective , i.e. there are no further elements dependent on the adjective ( since all such phrases will reduce in their structural effect to a single occurrence of adjective anyway ) ; ( c ) It is minimally complete for that adjective ; that is , the adjective achieves its structural effect within the construction , so that setting the whole pattern into a larger construction can not change the effective value of the adjective .
10 Clare was aware that black caps occasionally over winter , and that their song is sometimes mistaken for that of a nightingale .
11 Well there are a number of spaces that are in positions which could be used by disabled , in other words , they are not sort of , sandwich tight against other spaces and what 's happened in the past is that erm when a need has arisen an and when perhaps there 's been er generally a bungalow that has been er , occupied by somebody who 's disabled then the housing department have erm modified that space I mean , wha what we 've actually done is we 've er , taken a certain amount of block paving out but put back some block paved logo , sort of , standard white er symbol that erm that identifies disabled space and and , and that space is actually earmarked for that person , and it could happen in a variety of different locations erm it 's just that there 's probably not so much point in doing it until you know that there is er a specific need .
12 You need to ask not only whether the actual care is specifically designed for that individual , but also whether it is given at a time that is chosen to suit the person , and possibly family and friends who may be involved .
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