Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 The wait until September before she starts another novel is mostly owing to her publicity commitments .
2 The kindness and generosity of the owners has been especially welcomed by one of the readers who is mostly confined to her home .
3 The number of capsules laid by a female is presumably influenced by her food reserves , her size , her age and various environmental factors .
4 The following year brought The Miner 's Daughter in which the heroine deserts her working-man husband for the new mine-owner and his lavish apartment ; in time she becomes unhappy but is eventually reclaimed by her husband who storms into a smart reception and virtually throttles the mine-owner .
5 With regard to the matter of decisiveness mentioned in the question , it is interesting to note the ease with which Mrs McGill 's notional authority in the domestic sphere , in this case ‘ child care ’ , is successfully challenged by her husband :
6 Elgiva , like Terentia in the earlier play , is powerless : she is effectively sold by her mother and then held prisoner by men intent on raping her .
7 The Bride strips herself , glowing with pleasure at seeing herself seen , but it is a poor solitary exercise , for she is only impregnated by her imagination .
8 The tournament moves to Wembley today and Wright believes that this will prove to be to her advantage because the Perspex court is better suited to her slower style of play .
9 Sadat is suddenly redefined as her only friend .
10 The significant points to note from this passage are firstly the way in which the blood of delivery is unclean ; secondly the way in which in the case of a boy 's birth circumcision intrudes in the text and interrupts both the period of the mother 's pollution and the account of that pollution ; and thirdly , the way in which the woman is finally cleansed of her impurity through the blood of sacrifice as administered by a circumcised male .
11 The little dove is finally stirring in her makeshift nest .
12 Unfortunately this is not matched by her academic ability .
13 A large woman who is not apologising for her size is certainly not a figure to invite the dominant meanings which our culture attaches to femininity .
14 ‘ Nor do we see any reason why a wife who is not separated from her husband , even a wife who is still to be regarded as cohabiting with her husband , should lack this protection of the criminal law .
15 a wife 's income is not included in her husband 's return .
16 Diana is determined not to lose the children but , with William as heir to the throne , the Palace is equally adamant that their upbringing is not left in her hands alone .
17 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
18 This epistemological criticism is not directed at her political intervention but at her recourse to structuralist account and emphasis on the capacities of capital rather than of class .
19 As a result she is not allowed by her mother to supplement the family income by helping her in the fields , since to be seen doing it would mean she had become an illiterate villager again .
20 She 's just pointing with her finger .
21 You see , she 's just coming into her prime , and now he 's he 's just leaving it .
22 She might well have owned that it was the other way round and that Rosemary 's husband had been the one to do the leaving , Leith realised , when her mother retorted , ‘ Well , she 's not living at her flat , is she ?
23 Even now she 's not sitting on her laurels .
24 Buchi Emecheta is best remembered for her first book , In the Ditch , an autobiographical account of life in 1960s London for a young Nigerian woman with five children .
25 Goldin is best known for her 1986 book , The Ballad of Sexual Dependency , an account of her intimates in the seamy Seventies nightlife of New York and Provincetown .
26 She is best known for her rings with tall bezels towering above slender hoops .
27 She is best known for her probable authorship of the anonymous pamphlet An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex ( 1696 ) , frequently ascribed to Mary Astell [ q.v . ] .
28 The Belgian-born Hepburn is best known for her roles in such classics as My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany 's .
29 The public relations worker studies these differences , called " profiles " , so that she knows which paper is best suited for her information to get the best response .
30 Though the whole story is written from Maria 's viewpoint , no mention is ever made of her jealousy .
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