Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [to-vb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While there is no doubt that fascist organisations like the National Front have attempted to recruit members from the ranks of football hooligans , there is little to connect them with violence in the game ( Popplewell , 1986:59 ) .
2 However , it is unnecessary to examine them in detail since in our view the questions posed in the certificate must be answered in the negative and on that ground alone this appeal must be allowed .
3 In Ex. 17 ( a ) and ( b ) the layout is so obvious that it is unnecessary to print them in score .
4 In drawing such sections it is normal to have them at equal distances at right angles to the guide line which ensures that they are correctly related .
5 With students and inexperienced pilots , it is usual to discourage them from making adjustments on the airbrakes during the hold off , apart from reducing the amount of airbrake if it is necessary to float to land further up the field .
6 During the period 1560 to 1640 , virtually all these conformist English Protestants shared a set of common doctrinal beliefs , but in terms both of liturgical preference and intensity of commitment it is possible to divide them into two broad and fluid categories : a mainstream Protestant majority which was relatively content with the hybrid character of the Elizabethan church ; and a minority , labelled ‘ Puritan ’ by their contemporaries , which aspired to bring about further reform of that church in the direction of continental Protestantism .
7 While each college is to a large extent sui generis it is possible to divide them into three main groups .
8 Photographic shops can supply them , and , unlike telescopes , it is possible to test them at once .
9 The assembler does not directly offer these facilities , but it is possible to implement them by using other features of BBCBASIC(Z80) .
10 With these processes , our edge processes and the technique of conjugation , one can actually solve all four of our basic subproblems independently of the others and it is possible to do them in any order , although it is difficult to orient pieces that are not yet in their correct position .
11 Associative and cognitive theories present two major examples of different approaches to the study of learning , and although they differ in very many respects it is possible to synthesise them in a way that offers guidance for teachers .
12 Towns vary widely , although it is possible to group them in various types .
13 Because these instructions are stored , and not the pattern of dots , it is possible to reproduce them on any system at whatever size is required .
14 Parents need time to understand how their problems affect their children and that it is possible to help them with management issues if they work together and support each other .
15 Special cages have been developed for wild mice to reduce the need for handling during cleaning but it is possible to keep them in standard mouse cages .
16 It is possible to scan them with the existing equipment and incorporate their digitised image directly into the page design but the quality is still rather poor .
17 Since numbers of kin are a function of demography , it is possible to calculate them by simulation from a knowledge of birth rates , marriage rates and death rates .
18 They must , for example , be able to think of themselves as ‘ the sort of person who does have incestuous sexual desires ’ , is prepared to avow them as ‘ part ’ of the self , and ceases to be so threatened by them .
19 Kylie will never forget the major role PWL played in changing her life , making a millionairess out of a minor TV star , and is prepared to defend them to the hilt .
20 And at least one philosopher ( Routley 1981 ) is prepared to defend them in this view .
21 Having built up the reserves , it is prepared to use them in difficult times , and that is the right thing to do .
22 If there has genuinely been no opportunity for the candidate to find out about practical matters of pay and conditions in advance then it is sensible to discuss them at this stage , and you should have all the necessary details ready .
23 Yeah , it 's easier to get them on int it ?
24 Armed with the techniques he has learned over the past months , he is free to combine them in whatever way he thinks suits his stature .
25 As such there is controversy about the extent to which it is justifiable to describe them as political systems in their own right .
26 Yeah , but it 's impossible to retain them with two four bedroomed houses , now is n't it ?
27 And while the injunctions are subject to unwitting acceptance , it is impossible to call them into question .
28 It is impossible to distinguish them as ‘ separate factors ’ .
29 What Aristotle had seen as the vice of the pharaohs , Cardinal Richelieu raised to a maxim of policy for Louis XIII , whom he advised ‘ all politicians agree that when the people are too comfortable , it is impossible to keep them within the bounds of their duty …
30 It is impossible to place them in context so they are virtually worthless .
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