Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or is Labour just using the SDLP as an excuse to avoid facing up to its democratic responsibilities to the people of Northern Ireland ?
2 Is Labour still reflecting the ideals of the past rather than organizing a response to the problems of the future ?
3 When transplanting leeks , water the soil thoroughly if it is dry then dibble a hole for each plant about 4–6in deep .
4 The range of academic perspectives covered is broad enough to satisfy the literary specialist 's desire that literature should relate to the world , yet the comparatively rigorous analytical approach to literary studies is very appealing to those who , like myself , have interests which are primarily linguistic and communicative rather than literary .
5 This sense is strong enough to motivate a succession of attempts to find what is interesting .
6 ‘ There must be serious doubts as to whether he is strong enough to shift the party behind him . ’
7 It also decides whether the gravity is strong enough to halt the expansion and bring everything back together again .
8 Although such experiences are relatively rare , ( providing the tank glass is of the correct thickness and the stand is strong enough to take the weight ) , it 's important that you can rest assured in the knowledge that you are insured if such a disaster should occur .
9 This pull has little effect on the land but is strong enough to move the waters .
10 I know now what her power is strong enough to shatter a man 's mind and cast him from this world .
11 It may be some time before the movement is strong enough to help the environmentalists in any significant way , both to save the Adriatic and to reinstitute sustainable and more human agriculture in the Po Valley .
12 ‘ Nowadays ’ , said Bismarck in 1884 , ‘ no Government is strong enough to stand the reproach of having sacrificed its own national interests as a favour to a friendly Power . ’
13 It is true that this formulation of treating a person as an equal is consistent with the traditional liberal conception of equality , amounting to the familiar idea of equality of opportunity , and even this restricted concept of equality appears capable of generating a competing individual right which is strong enough to defeat the welfare-tax protester 's claim to be allowed to divert some of his tax into non-welfare spending schemes .
14 An individual may be under stress from a variety of factors , possibly both internal and external , but is able to cope and is strong enough to keep the system in balance , but only just .
15 The Hunt-class ship , which also acts as a mine sweeper , is characterised by a superstructure made of glass reinforced plastic and is strong enough to withstand the explosive shock of mines .
16 We therefore require a set of conditional jump or conditional branch instructions , which transfer control to the instruction at the specified store address only if a certain condition is met ; if the condition is not met , the next instruction to be executed is that immediately following the jump instruction .
17 It is usual nowadays to have the plug-in ‘ jack ’ system installed in a number of locations to provide flexibility and greater choice of instruments .
18 It is usual today to illustrate the concentration of marine erosion on certain parts of the coast by drawing a series of lines orthogonal to the refracted waves ( Fig. 8.9 ) .
19 That 's right just walk the dog and do n't you
20 and you just , yeah that 's right just get a woman in , er Bisto gravy granules and you just have , oops hot water and then that 's it simple
21 The normal bass roll-off of -6dB by 38Hz is low enough to lend a convincing weight to the majority of signals and if the bass seems initially a little ‘ polite ’ to some ears it is only because it is tight , with little or no hangover — the dual coupled-cavity technique really does give a positive ‘ start and stop ’ throughout its range .
22 For those who have had social opportunities early in life — enjoyed what sociologists would call ‘ life chances ’ — coupled with the ability to recognise and use them when presented , it is possible ultimately to choose a profession such as ‘ management ’ .
23 With free counterpoint it is possible also to vary the number of ‘ parts ’ to form chords of different densities at any point , so that each horizontal line can be made up of vertical combinations of various numbers of notes .
24 It is possible also to study the effects of drastic changes in existing fertility and mortality rates .
25 Quite the reverse , it is possible expressly to link the concept of " relational properties " with a ( suitably modified ) pluralist thesis by arguing , for example , that the possession of a relational property of a certain kind necessarily entails the existence of more than one thing in the world .
26 This is home video , and if the person is not familiar with the text , then it is possible perhaps to have a libretto and translation to one side .
27 It is possible so to violate the state of marriage , specifically by adultery , that in those circumstances divorce is conceivable and permissible .
28 The only contribution to the present is the fact that it is possible only to reach the railway using modern transport in the form of a motor car or bus .
29 A further consequence , which has certainly met with some interesting results , is that for certain types of advertising campaign it is possible actively to involve the public .
30 Carrier testing is also practicable in close relatives but — except in communities with a high frequency of particular mutations — carrier testing will not be practicable in the general population , including the unrelated spouses of known carriers , until it is possible cheaply to scan the hydroxylase gene for the many known mutations .
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