Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to cater for a sweet tooth and still have a healthy diet .
2 In some homes it is possible to stay for a few days or a week at a time either occasionally or on a regular basis .
3 I still have grave doubts as to whether it is right to go for a single currency , fixed exchange rates and the whole of that considerable abdication of political sovereignty .
4 If the client is willing to pay for a comprehensive pro-active search , MAS will generally refer the search to MC Strategy Services .
5 If anyone is disposed to look for a golden lining in the effects of Typhoon Thelma — which , in November , killed about 7,000 people on the islands of Leyte and Negros in the central Philippines — it might be the resulting national outrage against illegal logging .
6 In those places where there is a delay in substantiation , faith is prepared to wait for a long time at the bar of history .
7 This will tend to reduce the price that a trader is prepared to pay for a long position , and increase the price required for a short position .
8 We do n't think it is sensible to plan for a recession .
9 This was immediately prior to the Nicholson ‘ star ’ era ; the wave of which he rode the crest was beginning to build and it is interesting to chronicle for a moment some of the events leading up to his ‘ discovery ’ as a major Hollywood personality — a hero of the age and one who , as we have seen , was much influenced by the existentialist prophecies of Kerouac , which were now , finally , coming home to roost in middle-class America and elsewhere .
10 it will do me erm er , er Sunday joint a dinner and then there 's some left for Monday and then there 's some left for a stew you know
11 ‘ It 's easy to opt for a system that 's flavour of the month .
12 For many people attempting to escape from state persecution , it is impossible to apply for a passport to the very authorities who are inflicting the persecution .
13 It is easy to care for a friend , but what happens when our ‘ friend ’ is not acting friendly ?
14 In one sense these findings may be seen as an argument for mainstreaming and it is appropriate to pause for a moment to consider this view .
15 Nevertheless , unless the transaction is a management buy-in , for which it is appropriate to ask for a full set of warranties , a reasonable compromise is for the vendor to give the purchaser a set of warranties shorter than normally appropriate on a share sale .
16 Also Tore-Andre Flo — the young brother of Jostein Flo is supposed to train for a week or two at Sheff Utd ; but this is just a training stay — nothing to do with Sheff Utd offering him a contract or so .
17 But Britain is likely to press for a deal under which its own industry provides hardware for the satellites .
18 The future fate of the Universe is not one of humanity 's more pressing problems : on this scale nothing drastic is likely to happen for a few hundred billion years yet .
19 ‘ There was a time when I intended to fight — perhaps I still would if I thought I had a chance and if I ever saw either of them , but it 's hard to fight for a man as elusive as Roman has become . ’
20 In fact it is futile to search for a rigorous definition which will ‘ correctly ’ locate the division between the ‘ working class ’ and the ‘ middle class ’ in Britain .
21 If the solution is inadequate ask for a ‘ resort report ’ , write your complaint on this form , and obtain the manager 's comments and signature .
22 In fishkeeping it is traditional to aim for a very naturalistic effect to the aquascape , but why should this be so ?
23 One thing is clear : Islam flourishes like a hardy plant wherever it springs up , and a tradition that has endured for over 1,300 years is sure to endure for a few more .
24 At Orbec , twenty kilometres from Lisieux , is the Caneton , a restaurant which you know is going to be good as soon as you enter its doors — the smell is so appetizing — but it is small and not exactly unknown , so it is prudent to telephone for a table in advance .
25 No doubt Sir David is off on another of his trips to an exotic location soon — but for now he 's happy to settle for a spot of exploration a bit nearer to home .
26 In lighter infections , common in older dogs , the anaemia is not so severe , as the marrow response is able to compensate for a variable period .
27 It is insufficient to call for a simple ‘ left-right ’ divide of media power since the traditional ‘ magnetic poles ’ of ideology no longer attract so strongly .
28 An allowance is made for this , but it is insufficient to pay for a school meal .
29 In survey conditions it is unreasonable to ask for a ranking of more than ten objects .
30 And £18.50 is enough to pay for a year 's supply of medicine and special foods for a sick child in San José .
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