Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [noun] where [art] " in BNC.

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1 Tesco is not publicly endorsing any political party , but reading between the lines there is little doubt where the sympathies of Sir Ian and his top team lie .
2 Office automation is another area where the French may be lagging .
3 The field of housing provision is another area where the special needs of disabled people make it necessary to develop specialised knowledge and policies , to recognise that disabled people are done no service by being regarded as normal .
4 However this is another area where the technology is improving fast and the latest cameras have a built-in edit facility .
5 Public procurement is another area where the 1992 programme calls for further progress .
6 Now , the other type of overlap is lateral overlap where the is always o , overlapping that way and you try and rotate about that bond axis you 'll break the overlap .
7 Indeed the Court of Appeal in Phekoo expressed the opinion that it only applied to rape but I hope that one might interpret that to mean ‘ rape-like offences ’ , that is all offences where the mistake in question relates to a circumstance qualified by mens rea .
8 And surely this is one case where a rising population in the countryside would be welcomed by everyone .
9 Just short of the village there is one point where the track is lost and the land has reverted to its original contours .
10 After months of work Prestbury Park looked proud of itself today on the eve of what horseracing folk regard as their Olympic games … to race … to ride … to watch at Cheltenham is the highlight of the year … millions of pounds will be bet on the nineteen races that make up the festival and this is one place where the budget rarely bites …
11 Northern Ireland is one area where the removal of Mrs Thatcher ought to have made progress possible .
12 Sally Alexander and Eleanor Gordon have both pointed out that this is one area where the census figures are particularly unreliable , since they inevitably omit or underrepresent casual , seasonal , irregular or part-time work , which was the only kind many older married women could manage .
13 Many manufacturers provide drive circuits compatible with their motors , but this is one area where the stepping motor user has considerable scope for innovation .
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