Example sentences of "[is] [verb] to have [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nokia Oy 's Nokia Telecommunications has Nokia Oy , won an order for a trunked mobile radio system for the island of Java , Indonesia from PT Mobilkom Telekomindo : it is worth about $7m with an option for equipment worth another $7m ; the network is expected to have 40,000 subscribers in five years , and all the major islands of the archipelago will be included in later phases .
2 The Miniphone cellular network has gone into operation in Buenos Aires and some of its suburbs : the network is expected to have 10,000 users within a year , and is being run by Movistar — set up by Telecom Argentina SA , and controlled by STET SpA and France Telecom — and Telefonica Argentina ; initial investment in the project is $42m , but this is expected to rise to $100m over the next three years .
3 The Hwange national park alone is said to have 45,000 elephants : three times as many as the vegetation can support .
4 The major locus , which is assumed to have two alleles — A and A' producing three genotypes AA , AA' , A'A' — is defined by three parameters : q , the frequency of the major gene A' ; t , the displacement — that is , the distance measured in standard deviations on the liability scale between the two homozygous genotype class means ; and d , the degree of dominance , expressed as the position of the heterozygous class mean in relation to the homozygous class mean ( d=0 corresponds to a recessive gene , d=1 to a dominant gene , and d=0.5 to an additive gene ) .
5 Bravo is planning to have 1,000 hotels on the system by 1 November , and 2,000 by March 1992 .
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