Example sentences of "[is] [verb] in a different " in BNC.

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1 If the skirting is painted in a different colour to the walls , do n't forget to stick a smaller sample of the skirting colour next to the wall colour so you have an idea of how well they work together .
2 The same data is given in a different format in the paragraph which follows :
3 However : ‘ In context , the absence of clear sentence boundaries does not mean that conversation is difficult to follow : it just shows that conversation is organised in a different way from writing ’ ( Leech et al. , p. 8/7 ) .
4 This is not to say that a series like Follow Me can not be used in the classroom , but it is organised in a different way from materials like Let's Watch or Video English which were made specifically for classroom use .
5 Will a subject given reinforced trials in one context fail to respond when the CS is presented in a different context without having had previous experience of non-reinforced trials in the second context ?
6 In flavour-aversion learning , for instance , Archer and his collaborators ( e.g. Archer , Sjödén , Nilsson , and Carter 1979 ; Archer , Sjödén , and Nilsson 1985 ) have routinely found that an aversion established in one context is far less marked when the flavour is presented in a different context .
7 Recall that among the possible reasons for a loss of conditioned responding with a change of context was the generalization decrement that might be expected when the event designated by the experimenter as the CS is presented in a different context .
8 ( It may be added that Wagner 's ( 1981 ) proposal that direct associations between contextual cues and the CS might limit the ability of the latter to evoke its CR can be rejected with some confidence on the basis of the present results — this hypothesis implies that the CR should always be enhanced when the CS is presented in a different context . )
9 The phrase ‘ married to a hearing wife ’ is written in a different hand and must have been entered after 1839 which was the year Lowe married a Francis Charlotte Jellicoe in London .
10 For example , a birthday card greeting is written in a different register from a legal contract in that it uses a different vocabulary , uses a different layout on the page , uses rhyme , etc .
11 Of the former , he wrote : ‘ The instrument in which a constitution is embodied proceeds from a source different from that whence spring other laws , is regulated in a different way , and exerts a sovereign force .
12 Thus just because beer is produced in a different way in one country as compared with another does not mean that either country can legitimately prevent imports from the other .
13 Works on areal geology , mineralogy , and the applied earth sciences may be valuable in their own way , but the information they contain is used in a different way , and by different readers , from that in geophysics .
14 In almost each case , this single word is used in a different context .
15 But the top is bounded in a different place in every different table , depending on the marginal distribution of the two variables .
16 A third booklet , called Shading , deals with the problem of light/dark effects produced on carpet pile under natural or artificial lighting ( the effect will change if the pile is brushed in a different direction ) ; it costs 80p , including p&p .
17 If you train in private practice , [ as most people do ] you will find that your training will usually be split into four ‘ seats ’ and each of these is spent in a different department .
18 The notion of autonomy is discussed in a different context by Judith Hughes in the next paper which , like Assiter 's , illuminates the concept from a new angle and , like Almond 's , emphasises the importance of responsibility .
19 The potential of such a situation is expressed in a different way by Brian McHale through reference to the work of Mikhail Bakhtin .
20 An Optional Procedure claim is identifiable because the conclusion is expressed in a different form from that in a normal action , requiring payment here of a specified sum ‘ or such other greater or smaller sums as to the Court shall seem proper ’ .
21 In the tropical cultigens , the same effect is achieved in a different way , but such selected lines of fruit trees become symbiotically associated with human beings .
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