Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [art] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of the Henley Work Forum is to promote a better understanding of the opportunities for restructuring organisations offered by effective application of Information and communications technology and to promote good practice .
2 The important thing for us is to promote the good name of dealers , and even more , to promote an interest in art and collecting .
3 As things stand , the visual system is proving a good model to guide investigation of other sensory systems but we need to be cautious about interpreting data and to avoid forcing these other systems into a straitjacket defined by the visual system .
4 ‘ As in XEU , Alaska is building a good track record and the challenge is to enhance and maintain it.Within BPX , however , the scale of the challenge continues to be very large for everyone in the business .
5 The better mousetrap All you have to do is build a better version of brand X and the world will beat a path to your door .
6 And Oxford fans will be taking heart that the side 's enjoying a good run at the moment and may yet avoid relegation .
7 was intrumental in bringing Thorstvedt to Tottenham and the former England keeper also believes he 's enjoying the best form of his life .
8 If a man lies on the ball and is given a good rucking he will think twice about doing it next time .
9 Yet every now and again a student emerges who shows exceptional talent and it is quite natural that a drama school will make sure that his/her ability is given a good stretch in public with a major role , perhaps playing Hamlet or Hedda Gabler .
10 The ratio of brain weight to spinal cord weight is considered a better measurement of complexity and intelligence .
11 It is more likely the Goblin will be smashed apart — which although sad is considered a good way to go for a Goblin and infinitely better than being eaten by a peckish troll .
12 He is considered a good listener and a effective operator .
13 This fate might be waived if he is considered a good influence on the other dealers .
14 Contrary to popular belief , honesty is considered the best policy .
15 The lullabies and other songs are continued to soothe children , especially when they are in a bad mood ; but this age is considered the best time to teach the children how to use their hands in various spheres of tribal activities .
16 The trouble is that in England a tomato good enough to be eaten raw and unadorned is becoming a good deal more of a rarity than a ripe avocado , and nearly as elusive as a perfect fresh peach or purple fig .
17 There is a clear need for a population-orientated strategy to complement and reinforce policies aimed at local and national economic restructuring , but , as is argued further in the next chapter , if such an approach is to stand a good chance of success much more attention must be given to the improvement of data sets suitable for monitoring population change at regional and urban scales and to the study of the causes and consequences of internal migration .
18 The competition is to provide a better service for all — children , parents , school staff and community .
19 No , the main intention , as I have said , is to provide a better deal , particularly for the cash customer and the debit card user .
20 Sometimes the photographers will organise this for you , but if there are a large number of photographs to take then you should consider using a specialist photographic accessoriser whose job it is to provide a good selection of suitable props from which you and the photographer can choose on the spot .
21 One of the basic problems in surveying is to obtain a good response from one 's informants .
22 The central purpose of this project is to obtain a better understanding of China 's attitude towards , and likely role in international arms control .
23 The difficulty is to find a good description language in which to express the learning situation .
24 In each case , the goal is to find the best scoring path through an ( explicit or implicit ) three-dimensional space of phonemes , diphones , syllables , words , whatever , according to the descriptions of valid paths stored in the knowledge bases .
25 The aim of an organisation 's recruitment procedure is to find the best candidate for a vacancy by predicting the future performance of applicants for the job .
26 The aim of this study is to secure a better understanding of the association between major social , economic and demographic trends and the pattern of children in care .
27 Our duty is to secure the best return we possibly can or on , on our investments and yet at the same time to have regard to the aims and objectives of the Council itself .
28 There has also been criticism of members of my family for behaviour which was judged to be unseemly for people whose responsibility is to set a good example .
29 Sheila 's havin' a good time and she 's getting a bit of money too .
30 The first priority is to consult a good reference book to identify the pest and choose the most effective control .
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