Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think we should be going with the C E C proposals and we should maintain our influence and our role in the Party as a collective organization , a mass organization , of over eight hundred thousand members and will be steadily rising in the foreseeable future .
2 When deciding where the company should be going for the future it is extremely important that one should not lose sight of the need for synergy since adventuring outside one 's own field contains high added risk which the shareholders will very quickly appreciate .
3 Predictably they said that the money should be going into the overall prize fund ; and , equally predictably , the sponsors replied that the money was being paid for Krantz to head up a special promotion for the company , and anyway they wanted some extra glamour and colour which a top American golfer would provide .
4 It has been some debate er on the board and the management committee about the direction the theatre should be going into the nineteenth century twentieth century and I think and I and I think it 's important that this meeting hopefully will be very constructive in the sense that is important that the theatre actually gets the views of people use the building , and people actually come along and support the of the theatre .
5 Establishing trends from the past is of enormous help in determining precisely where we are at present and where we should be going in the future .
6 At a time when household formation rates suggest we should be going in the opposite direction , simply to stand still .
7 The vehicle must be going towards the ‘ limits ’ and also be within or partly within the zig-zag lines , i.e. the ‘ zebra controlled area ’ .
8 ‘ She must be going through a lotta pain too . ’
9 And the on-going tabloid obsession with Charles and Diana 's marriage : ‘ Oh , they must be going through a bad patch .
10 It will obviously take some time , you know Alex is , must be going through a terrible strain himself and he must be concerned about us er as we are for him .
11 Must be going to a funeral .
12 I must be going in a circle round the rock . ’
13 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
14 and this is where it really matters and really counts , what are the army saying to new recruits who might be going into the careers ' office , army careers ' office tomorrow ,
15 But she might be going with a friend , and I think she 's planning on meeting up with Aunty Edna .
16 Speedie explained later : ‘ When the fan ran on I thought he might be going for the referee , so I tried to intervene .
17 Stephen said he might be going to the Murray .
18 You feel more confident do n't you in a group situation if you know exactly what people er er know or what they do n't know , cos there 's nothing worse is n't there than to go in and thinking they may already know this , I might be going in an teaching my grandmother to suck eggs here , I 'm not sure what they know about this .
19 I 'll be gone by the time you wake up in the morning .
20 Only 7 nuns remain at Bartestree and they 'll be gone by the time auctioneers sell off the contents of the convent in 3 weeks time .
21 Only 7 nuns remain at Bartestree and they 'll be gone by the time auctioneers sell off the contents of the convent in 3 weeks time .
22 The travellers have promised they 'll be gone by the end of the weekend .
23 Already experienced in flight , next month they 'll be going over the North Pole .
24 We 'll be going through the Warners vaults here , with a list of material that 's never been released .
25 He said that the guitar solo is like the window of a song : you 'll be going through the song and then the lead will break and it 's like a window you can look out of while you 're walking by .
26 We 'll be going into a warm house , that 's one thing .
27 ‘ I 'll be going into the Yard first thing to work out what 's to do .
28 They 'll be going on the air , soon . ’
29 As one young woman I spoke to put it : ‘ I thought at least I 'll be going to a place where these people are not my parents so they wo n't be able to put a hand on me . ’
30 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
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